Oral Session : Assembly Room C -
Seminar Room 4,5(Uji Obaku Plaza)

大気・水(Ⅱ) <2018.2.20>

C01 13:30 安治川を想定した流起式可動防波堤の津波減勢効果に関する水理実験
Hydraulic Model Experiment in terms of Wave Reduction Effect of Hydro Tsunami Barrier assuming Ajigawa River
C02 13:45 海底および陸上地すべりによる津波とそれによる海底地形変化の推定手法に関する研究
Study on Evaluation Approach for Non-Seismic Tsunami Triggered by Offshore and Onshore Landslide
C03 14:00 波源の不確実性を考慮した津波伝播計算
Tsunami Simulations Considering Uncertainties of Source Fault
C04 14:15 地形アップスケーリングによる市街地粗度パラメタリゼーションを用いた津波遡上モデルの提案
Numerical modeling of tsunami inundation using subgrid scale urban roughness parameterization
 ○福井信気・森信人・Adi PRASETYO
C05 14:30 River Discharge Impact to Downscaling of Coastal Current in the Eastern Japan%
 ○Josko TROSELJ・Nobuhito MORI・Yuki IMAI・Junichi NINOMIYA
C06 14:45 Modeling of Wave Damping by Coastal Vegetation
 ○Che-Wei CHANG・Nobuhito MORI
C07 15:15 TDRを利用した土砂濃度計測手法の開発
Novel approach assessing Sediment concentration in river using TDR
C08 15:30 山体地下水上の不飽和浸透モデリングのためのリチャーズ式解析解
An Analytical Solution of Richards' Equation for Unsaturated Flow above Ground Water in Mountains
C09 15:45 A Three-dimensional Model of Subsurface Flow in an Unconfined Surface Soil Layer on an Irregular Hillslope
 ○Ying-Hsin WU・Eiichi NAKAKITA
C10 16:00 積雪深分布を考慮した融雪型火山泥流解析
Snowmelt Type Volcanic Mudflow Simulation Considering Snow Depth Distribution
C11 16:15 Measuring Effect of Gravel Augmentation Using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) in Mountainous Areas of the Trinity River, California
 ○Kanta KANO・David GAEUMAN・Tetsuya SUMI・Yasuhiro TAKEMON
C12 16:45 階段状河床形態が土石流の流動特性に与える影響
Influence of Stepped-Bed Morphology on Debris Flow
C13 17:00 湾曲河道を流れる土石流に関する実験的検討
Experimental Study on Debris Flow through River Bend
C14 17:15 異なる流量の流れ場におけるバンダル型水制群周辺の河床変動に関する研究
Study on Bed Deformation around Bandal-like Structure under Different Discharge Conditions
C15 17:30 Three Dimensional flow Characteristics In a Slitted Type Spur Dyke Field
C16 17:45 Experimental Study of Groynes as a Bank Erosion Countermeasure in Meandering Channels with Different Sinuosity.
C17 18:00 Study on Sediment Depository due to Detached Breakwater in Tropical Peat Coast of Bengkalis Island Indonesia

大気・水(IV) <2018.2.21>

C18 9:00 週間アンサンブル水文予報を考慮したダム予備放流操作の影響の分析
Assessment on Effects of Preliminary Release Operation of a Multi-purpose Reservoir Considering One-week Ensemble Hydrological Prediction
C19 9:15 ダム貯水池操作高度化のための流入量推定精度向上方法の検討
Study on Improvement Method of Inflow Estimation Accuracy for Advanced Dam Reservoir Operation
C20 9:30 Impact of Lancang Cascade Dams on Flow Regimes, Sediment Dynamics and Morphodynamics of the Mekong Delta of Vietnam
 ○Doan Van BINH・Sameh KANTOUSH・Tetsuya SUMI・Nguyen Thi Phuong MAI
C21 9:45 伝統的河川工法「聖牛」に関する知見の整理と木津川における試験施工
A review of Japanese traditional river works "Seigyu" and an experimental trial in the Kizu River
C22 10:00 河床表層の鉛直構造の変動を考慮した付着藻類現存量の変動予測
Predicting Algal Biomass, Focusing on Vertical Riverbed Structure
 ○宮川幸雄・角 哲也・竹門康弘
C23 10:15 天竜川における濁質成分の流程変化に基づく砂州地形の濾過機能推定
Quantification of Filtering Efficiency of Sandbar Geomorphology Based on the Longitudinal Changes in Turbid Water Component in the Tenryu River
C24 10:45 Flash Droughts in Japan
 ○Maochuan HU ・ Kenji TANAKA
C25 11:00 数値作物成長モデルによる灌漑必要水量の推定とダムによる補給操作の高度化
Improving reservoir operation based on the irrigation water demand estimation by a numerical crop growth model
C26 11:15 地下水資源の持続可能性評価に向けた全球陸域水循環モデルの改良
Improvement of a Global Water Cycle Model In-land toward Groundwater Resources Sustainability Evaluation
C27 11:30 Impact of Water Resources Regulation and Crops Diversification in the Zeravshan River Basin
 ○ Temur KHUJANAZAROV ・ Kenji TANAKA ・ Yoshiya TOUGE ・ Kristina TODERICH
C28 11:45 Hydrochronological Approach for Extreme Flash Floods at Wadi Systems in Arid Regions
 ○Mohamed SABER・Sameh KANTOUSH・ Tetsuya SUMI・Mohammed ABDEL-FATTAH・Tahani ALHARRASI・Takahiro KOSHIBA・Yusuke OGISO・Mahmoud ALMAMARY

大気・水(VI) <2018.2.21>

C29 14:00 Coping with Water Issues in Ungauged Lower Kapuas River Basin Based on Stakeholders` Attitude
 ○Dewi DIMYATI・Tomoharu HORI
C30 14:15 Evaluating Urban Runoff Reduction Effects of Low Impact Development Practices under Different Rainfall Characteristics: Case Study of Tianjin, China
 ○Yu LI・Kenji TANAKA・Shigenobu TANAKA
C31 14:30 園部川における洪水氾濫解析
Flood flooding analysis in the Sonobe River basin
 ○仲 浩明・田中茂信・田中賢治・佐山敬洋
C32 14:45 都市域における小規模水理構造物に着目した雨水排水プロセスのモデル化
Modeling of Stormwater Drainage Process Considering Small-Scale Hydraulic Structures in Urban area
C33 15:00 避難者間の経路障害情報の共有が水害避難行動に及ぼす影響
Effect of obstacle information sharing among evacuees on flood evacuation
C34 15:15 事前氾濫シミュレーションとリアルタイム浸水情報の同化によるハザードマッピング
Real-time Inundation Mapping with Local Flood Information
C35 15:45 空間平均降水量極値の特性
Characteristics of Extremes of Spatially Averaged Precipitation
C36 16:00 超過洪水に対する既設ダムの治水機能評価と機能向上に向けた再開発手法の検討
Evaluation on the Flood Control Function against Floods beyond the Designed Level and Effective Renovation Measures of Existing Dams
 ○倉橋 実・角 哲也
C37 16:15 組み合わせ最適化を用いた分布型流出モデルのパラメータの推定
Parameter Estimation of a Distributed Runoff Model by Combinatorial Optimization
C38 16:30 カラバカック氷河融解域における熱収支観測
Surface Energy Balance Observation at the Melting Zone of Kara Batkak Glacier
C39 16:45 雨量計観測データがアジアの高地の気候平均場の再現性に及ぼす影響
Effects of Gauge Observation Network on Reproducibility of Climatology in High Altitudes of Asia
C40 17:00 Nepal Landslideをもたらしやすいmonsoon循環
Monsoon circulation that could induce landslides in Nepal
 ○谷田貝亜紀代・鈴木隆太郎・安藤千晶・増田南波・千木良雅弘・Melanie FROUDE・David PETLEY