Oral Session:Assembly Room B
- Seminar Room 1, 2 (Uji Obaku Plaza)

地震・火山(Ⅰ) <2018.2.20>

B01 13:30 桜島火山で発生する火砕流を伴う噴火のメカニズム
Mechanism of Eruptions Accompanied with Pyroclastic Flow at Sakurajima Volcano
B02 13:45 2017年8月桜島溶岩噴泉活動に伴う地震活動及び地盤変動
Seismicity and ground deformation associated with fountain lava at Sakurajima
B03 14:00 2017年の桜島南岳爆発に前後する傾斜ひずみ変化
Tilt and strain change before and after the explosion at Minami-dake, Sakurajima, in 2017
B04 14:15 桜島火山における相対重力の連続観測および繰り返し測定
Continuous and Repeated Relative Gravity Observations in Sakurajima Volcano
B05 14:30 相対重力および地殻変動データから推定した2015年8月桜島急膨張イベントの圧力源
Pressure Source of the Rapid Inflation Event in Sakurajima Volcano in August 2015, Modeled from Relative Gravity and Ground Deformation Data
B06 14:45 相対重力および水準データを用いた1970~1990年代の桜島質量変動モデルの推定
Mass Variation Model of Sakurajima Volcano from the 1970s to the 1990s, Estimated from Relative Gravity and Leveling Data
B07 15:15 桜島における火山活動情報の発信に関する実践的検証
Practical Evaluation of the Information Dissemination about Volcanic Activity at Sakurajima
B08 15:30 移流拡散モデルを用いた二酸化硫黄放出率の推定
Estimate of SO2 emission rate using the JMA regional atmospheric transport model.
B09 15:45 霧島火山群周辺の表層電気伝導度分布と火山活動
Electrical Conductivity Distribution in the Surface Layer Around Kirishima Volcanic Group and its Volcanism
B10 16:00 ヤンゴン市における推定地盤構造を考慮した強震動予測の試行
Trial of Estimation of Strong Ground Motion in Yangon City by Using the Estimated Subsurface Velocity Structure
B11 16:15 インド西部カッチ盆地の速度構造モデルの開発
Development of Velocity Structure Model in the Kachchh basin, Western India
 ○浅野公之・Prantik MANDAL
B12 16:45 八代平野における地震波反射法探査
Seismic Reflection Survey in Yatsushiro, Kumamoto, Sedimentary Basin
B13 17:00 八代平野における微動水平上下スペクトル比
The Microtremor Horizontal-to-Vertical of Yatsushiro Basin
B14 17:15 液状化から考える1586年天正地震の震源断層推定
Source Fault Estimate of the 1586 Tensho Earthquake Based on Liquefactions
B15 17:30 粘弾性媒質中の断層における地震サイクルシミュレーション手法の開発
Earthquake sequence simulations of a fault in a viscoelastic material with a spectral boundary integral equation method

大気・水(Ⅲ)  <2018.2.21>

B16 9:00 Numerical Simulation of Track and Landfall of Two Typhoons Chanthu and Lionrock and Their Associated Precipitation over Northern Japan by Using WRF-ARW Model
 〇Sridhara NAYAK , Tetsuya TAKEMI
B17 9:15 対流圏の温度条件が台風の強度と構造に及ぼす影響
Effects of Tropospheric Temperature Conditions on the Intensity and Structure of Tropical Cyclones
B18 9:30 低緯度におけるハリケーン強化過程のダウンスケール実験
Downscale Experiments of Hurricane Intensification at Low Latitudes
B19 9:45 確率台風モデルに基づくハザード適合最尤台風の決定方法
Method for Selecting Hazard-Consistent Most-Likely Typhoon Based on Probabilistic Typhoon Model
B20 10:00 復旧時間に基づくレジリエンス評価:タンナ島における風災害後の住宅復旧を事例として
Resilience Assessment on the Basis of Recovery Time: A Case Study of Non-engineered Houses on Tanna Island, the Republic of Vanuatu, Subjected to Wind Hazard
B21 10:15 ヤンゴンにおける学校および集合住宅の耐風性能調査報告
Report of Wind-Resistant Performance of School and Residential Buildings in Yangon
B22 10:45 日本の都市における地表面温度の日変化パターン
Diurnal Patterns of Land Surface Temperature in Metropolitan Areas of Japan
B23 11:00 Large-eddy simulationを用いた建物高さのばらつきを有する都市キャノピー内の乱流特性の解析
Large-Eddy Simulation Study on Turbulent Flows within an Urban Canopy with Building Height Variability
B24 11:15 都市気象LESモデルと境界層レーダーを用いた大気境界層を突破する熱的上昇流の発見
Discovery of Thermals Breaking through Atmospheric Boundary Layer by Urban Meteorological Model Based on Large Eddy Simulation and Boundary Layer Radar
B25 11:30 夏季積乱雲発達初期の偏波雲レーダー観測
Polarimetric Cloud Radar Observation for the Initial Development Stage of Summer Cumulonimbus Clouds
B26 11:45 建物および植物キャノピーを考慮した地上付近の風速場の再現計算
Wind Field Simulation near the Ground Surface Considering the Effect of Buildings and Vegetation Canopy

大気・水(V) <2018.2.21 >

B27 14:00 高知大学MPレーダーネットワークによる降雨観測精度の検証
Verification of Precipitation Intensity Observed by MP Radar Network of Kochi University
B28 14:15 Investigation of Relationship between RDCA Index Using Himawari-8 Data and Radar Estimated Hydrometeor Type Aloft Considering the Stage of Cumulus Cloud
 〇Wendi HARJUPA ・ Eiichi NAKAKITA ・ Yasuhiko SUMIDA ・ Aritoshi MASUDA
B29 14:30 気流性状解析のための樹木空力パラメータ最適化手法の提案
Optimization of Aerodynamic Parameters of Tree for Wind Flow Analysis
B30 14:45 パイプテントに作用する旋風による風荷重評価の基礎的検討
Investigation toward wind load evaluation of pipe tent subjected to whirlwind
B31 15:15 ドーム建物内における飛散物の動的空力特性の直接計測の試み
Experiment of Direct Measuring of Aerodynamic Characteristics of Flying Debris in a Dome
B32 15:30 海大陸西部での寒候期における降水の日変化特性と総観場の関係
Relationship between the Diurnal Variation of Precipitation and Synoptic Conditions in the Western Part of the Maritime Continent During the Cold Season
B33 15:45 台風シミュレーションを用いた免震ダンパーの風応答疲労損傷評価
Wind-induced Cumulative Damage Evaluation for Isolated Building Damper using Typhoon Simulation
B34 16:00 Ranking CMIP5 GCM Historical Runs for Optimum Model Ensemble Estimations over a Regional Scale: A Case Study over Indochina Region
 ○Rattana CHHIN・Shigeo YODEN
B35 16:15 衛星観測から求められたXCO2データのバイアスと大気等パラメータの相関について
Correlation between Bias of Satellite-based XCO2 Data and Atmospheric and other Parameters
B36 16:30 2017年3月27日の那須雪崩をもたらした低気圧の予測可能性
Predictability of an Extratropical Cyclone Causing Snow Avalanche at Nasu on 27th March 2017
B37 16:45 冬季成層圏極渦に内在する予測障壁
On the Existence of Predictability Barrier in the Wintertime Stratospheric Polar Vortex
B38 17:00 距離基底函数を用いた球面螺旋浅水波モデル
A shallow-water model on spherical helix nodes using radial basis functions