Oral Session:Assembly Room A - Kihada Hall(Uji Obaku Plaza)

九州北部豪雨   < 2018.2.20 >

A01 13:30 平成29年九州北部豪雨の高分解能数値シミュレーション
High-Resolution Numerical Simulations of the Heavy Rainfall in Northern Kyushu, July 2017
A02 13:45 融解層高度以上の降水粒子の同化による線状降水帯の予測及び支配スケールの解析
Forecasting a line-shaped mesoscale convective system: the dominant scale and a first attempt to assimilate hydrometeors in the melting layer
A03 14:00 2017年九州北部豪雨災害を対象にしたMMSによる浸水痕跡調査と降雨流出氾濫解析
Field Investigation of Inundation Levels with MMS and Rainfall-Runoff-Inundation Analysis of the 2017 Northern Kyushu Flood Disaster
A04 14:15 朝倉市赤谷川流域を対象とした平成 29 年九州北部豪雨における斜面崩壊と洪水の統合解析
Integrated Simulation of Landslide and Flood on a Heavy Rainfall Event in Akadani River Basin, Northern Part of Kyu-shu-Island, Japan
A05 14:30 寺内ダムの流木捕捉量の把握と下流河道の洪水被害軽減効果の評価
Estimation of trapping volume of woody debris by the Terauchi dam and its reducing effects on downstream flood damages
 ○角 哲也・鈴木湧久・小木曽友輔・小林草平・竹門康弘・Sameh KANTOUSH
A06 14:45 災害時における住民行動の時系列分析を通じた災害情報のあり方に関する考察
Consideration on role of disaster information through time-series analysis on residents' actions

大気・水(Ⅰ)   < 2018.2.20 >

A07 15:15 ゲリラ豪雨・梅雨期豪雨の発生頻度の将来変化へ大気安定化・水蒸気浸潤が及ぼす影響
the Influence of Environmental Stabilization and Moisture Invasion on Future Change of Occurrence Frequency of Guerrilla-heavy Rainfall and Baiu-heavy Rainfall
A08 15:30 領域気候モデルとd4PDFを用いた梅雨豪雨の将来変化に関するマルチスケール解析
Multiscale analysis on the future change of heavy rainfall in Baiu season using regional climate models and d4PDF
A09 15:45 マルチ解像度RCMにおけるゲリラ豪雨の再現特性の解析及び生起頻度の将来変化推定
Analysis of the Reproduction Features of Guerrilla-heavy Rainfall and Estimation of Future Changes of the Occurrence Frequency in Multi-resolution RCMs
A10 16:00 気候変動が我が国の水文循環に及ぼす影響の不確実性評価 -MRI-AGCM3.2S SSTアンサンブルの活用-
Uncertainty Evaluation of Climate Change Impacts on Hydrological Cycle in Japan -Utilization of MRI-AGCM3.2S SST ensemble-
A11 16:15 人為的な流量調整の影響を考慮した将来気候下での河川流況の評価と適応策の検討
A12 16:45 波浪の長期変動特性と気候変動指数の関係
Wave Climate Variability and Related Climate Indices
A13 17:00 A High-resolution Wave Climate Projection for the Coastal Northwestern Atlantic
 ○Adrean WEBB・Nobuhito MORI・Tomoya SHIMURA
A14 17:15 Wave Climate Assessment in the Indian Ocean
 ○Bahareh KAMRANZAD・Nobuhito MORI
A15 17:30 台風の最発達強度に着目したバイアス補正手法の開発と解適合格子モデルを用いた高潮の将来変化予測
Development of BiasCorrection Method for Tropical Cyclones and Future Change Projection of Storm Surge Using AMR Model
 ○山本耀介・森信人・Marc KJERLAND
A16 17:45 台風の最大潜在強度を用いた北西太平洋における高潮偏差の将来変化の確率予測
Future Change Projection of Storm Surge Height in the Western North Pacific Using Typhoon Maximum Potential Intensity
A17 18:00 日本周辺の高解像度長期波浪推算と波候スペクトルの解析
High resolution ocean wave hindcast around Japan and spectral representation of wave climate

地震・火山(Ⅱ) < 2018.2.21 >

A18 9:00 中層実験建物の地震応答解析とそれを考慮した居住ユニットの振動特性把握のための振動台実験
Seismic Response Analysis of Middle-sized Experimental Building and Shaking Experiment for Understanding of Vibration Characteristics of Building
A19 9:15 本震記録のみによる建物動特性の振幅依存性の評価
Amplitude-dependency Evaluation of Building’s Dynamic Properties only by Seismic Main Shock Record
A20 9:30 Steel Braces with Intentional Eccentricity Treated by Induction Hardening
 ○Konstantinos A. SKALOMENOS・Hironari SHIMADA・Masahiro KURATA
A21 9:45 Minimal-Disturbance Arm Damper Retrofitting: Evaluation of Retrofit Effect Using Multi-Span Steel Frame Specimens
 ○Giuseppe A. MARZANO・Lei ZHANG・Yuga SASAKI・Masahiro KURATA
A22 10:00 Development of Fully Prefabricated Steel-UHPC Composite Deck System
 ○Kailai DENG・Kangkang WANG・Canhui ZHAO・Bing CUI
A23 10:15 巨大地震発生前のスロー地震活動の空間的広がり
Micro Shallow Tectonic Tremor Activity Before Tohoku-Oki Earthquake
A24 10:45 関係データ解析手法の適用による球体の効果を加味したGNSS速度場データの解析
Application of a Graph Clustering Method to GNSS Data for Classification of Rigid Plate Motion on a Sphere
A25 11:00 海底圧力計と陸上GNSSのデータに基づく2003年十勝沖地震後のプレート間すべりの推定
Spatiotemporal Distribution of Interplate Slip Following the 2003 Tokachi-oki Earthquake Deduced from Ocean Bottom Pressure Gauges and Onland GNSS Data
A26 11:15 GNSSデータを用いた東海地方スロースリップイベントの解析
Spatio-temporal Evolution of Slow Slip Events in the Tokai Region, Central Japan Estimated from a Very Dense GNSS Network
A27 11:30 近畿地方中北部におけるS波反射面と深部低周波地震の関係
The relationship between S-wave reflectors and deep low-frequency earthquakes in the northern Kinki district, south western Japan
 ○加藤慎也・飯尾能久・片尾 浩・澤田麻沙代・冨阪和秀・三浦 勉・米田 格
A28 11:45 鳥取県中部地震の余震観測
Aftershock Observation of the 2016 Central Tottori Earthquake

オーガナイズドセッション < 2018.2.21 >


A29 14:00 地震動予測地図における確率表現と住民意識―地震発生リスクはどのように認識されているか
Probability Representing on National Seismic Hazard Map for Japan and people’s consciousness : How is Earthquake Risk Recognized?”
A30 14:15 被災者の心の復興 ~精神的苦痛の計量及びその時間推移モデルの構築~
Psychological Recovery Model for Seismic Disaster
A31 14:30 緊急地震速報と建物モニタリング情報を利用した地震災害誘因の同定‐建物頂部変形角の推定‐
Estimation of Damage Factors using Earthquake-Early-Warning and Building Monitoring Information -Roof Drift Estimates-
A32 14:45 水平成層地盤の液状化挙動に及ぼす地盤物性の空間的不均質性の影響
Effects of soil spatial variability on liquefaction behavior of horizontally layered ground
A33 15:00 Evaluation of Amplification Factor Considering Soil Non-Linearity including Liquefaction
 ○Gautham ADAPA・Kaito SAWADA・Kyohei UEDA
A34 15:15 海陸地殻変動データを用いた南海トラフ沿いのプレート間カップリングの推定
Estimation of interplate coupling along the Nankai Trough using onshore and offshore geodetic data
A35 15:45 巨大地震による強震動予測のための強震動生成域に対する距離減衰式の適用
Application of a Ground Motion Prediction Equation to Strong Motion Generation Areas towards Predicting Strong Ground Motion due to Great Earthquakes
A36 16:00 微動観測記録に基づく横手盆地の速度構造と形状の推定
The estimation of velocity structure and the shape of the Yokote basin based on microtremor observation data
A37 16:15 巨大地震に対する山地斜面の崩壊危険度予測と減災のためのハザードマップ作成
The base map for the prediction of the slope failures for coming huge earthquakes
A38 16:30 符号化ソナーによる桜島火山域表層の弾性波伝搬特性の測定
Measurements of Elastic Wave Transmission Characteristics of Sakurajima Volcanic Area Subsurface Using Coded Sonar