Oral Session:Assembly Room B
- Seminar Room 1, 2 (Uji Obaku Plaza)

地震・火山(Ⅰ) <2019.2.19>

B01 14:15 メキシコでの地震・津波防災教育の実践 -教育カリキュラムの日墨比較を通したカルチュラル・チューニング-
Practice of Disaster Education in Mexico: "Cultural Tuning" Based on Comparative Study of Public Educational Curriculum Between Japan and Mexico
B02 14:30 Multi-Damage State Rehabilitation of Steel Moment-Resisting Frame with Minimal Disturbance Arm Damper
 〇Giuseppe MARZANO・Konstantinos SKALOMENOS・Masahiro KURATA
B03 14:45 Smart Retrofitting of Steel Irregular Connections in Traditional-style Buildings
 Liangjie QI
B04 15:00 微動計測に基づく建物の多自由度系地震応答推定モデル
A Multi-degree-of-freedom Building Model Based on Microtremor Measurement for Seismic Response Estimation
B05 15:15 粒状体のせん断抵抗速度依存性に関する数値解析的検討
The Mechanism of the Shear-Rate Dependence of Granular Friction
B06 15:45 微動観測記録に基づく横手盆地の推定地盤構造の増幅特性評価
the Amplification Factor Evaluation from Subsurface Structure of the Yokote Basin Based on Microtremor Observation Data
B07 16:00 盆地端部における段差構造の形状がエッジ効果の特性に与える影響に関する研究
Study on the Influence of the Basin Edge Structure to the Characteristics of the Basin-Edge Effect
 〇浜辺亮太・松島信一・吾妻崇・De Martin FLORENT
B08 16:15 八代平野における微動水平上下スペクトル比とその方位依存性から推定される盆地構造
The Basin Structure of Yatsushiro Basin Estimated from the Observed Microtremor Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratios and its Directional Dependence
B09 16:30 Microtremor Observation at Damaged Areas by the 2018 Hokkaido Eastern Iburi Earthquake
B10 16:45 Long-period Ground Motions from Past and Virtual Megathrust Earthquakes along the Nankai Trough, Japan
B11 17:15 ヤンゴン市における推定三次元地盤構造と震源の不確実性を考慮した強震動予測
Strong ground motion simulation by considering estimated 3D subsurface structure and uncertainty of source parameter
B12 17:30 粘弾性媒質中での地震サイクルシミュレーション手法の開発 -粘弾性vs摩擦特性-
Dynamic Earthquake Sequence Simulations of a Fault in a Viscoelastic Material with a SBIEM
B13 17:45 深層学習を用いたP波初動の極性検出
P-wave Polarity Determination from Waveform Data Using Deep Learning
B14 18:00 広帯域レシーバ関数解析による西南日本スロー地震発生域における地震学的構造変化の検出
Detection of the seismic structural variation around regions with slow earthquakes in southwestern Japan by broad-band receiver function analysis
B15 18:15 Doublet Earthquake Triggering for the April 2014 Events in the Solomon Islands
 〇Calvin QWANA・Masatoshi MIYAZAWA・Jim MORI
B16 18:30 岩石破壊実験での地震波速度のモニタリング
Monitoring of seismic velocity during rock fracture experiments
B17 18:45 GNSSデータを用いた東海地方スロースリップイベントの時空間発展の推定
Spatio-temporal Evolution of Slow Slip Events in the Tokai Region, Central Japan Estimated from a Very Dense GNSS Network

大気・水(Ⅲ) <2019.2.20 >

B18 9:15 飛散物の空力特性に関する直接計測と風洞実験との比較
Comparison of Aerodynamic Characteristics of Flying Debris between Direct Measurement and Wind Tunnel Experiment
B19 9:30 風洞実験によるネットハウスの空力特性の評価
Wind Tunnel Test For Evaluate The Aerodynamic Character Of a Net-House
B20 9:45 床下の通風空間に着目した風洞実験による高床式建築物の空力特性評価
Evaluation of Aerodynamic Characteristics of Elevated Houses by Wind Tunnel Experiments Focusing on Void Space Under Elevated Floor.
B21 10:00 竜巻を捉えたドライブレコーダの映像を用いた竜巻中の飛散物の速度推定
Estimation of Flying Speed of Debris in Tornado Using Video Capturing Tornado Recorded by Drive Recorder
B22 10:15 大気乱流による運動量輸送過程に及ぼす都市構造物群の建物高さのばらつきによる影響
Effects of Building-Height Variability of Urban Buildings on Momentum Transport Process of Turbulent Flow
B23 10:45 都市気象LESモデルを用いた渦管形成とその起源となる熱的上昇流の解析
Analysis of the formation of vortex tubes and thermals by urban meteorological model based on large eddy simulation
B24 11:00 分布型流出モデルへの適用を目的とした基岩浸透モデルの開発
Development of an infiltration model to bedrock layer to be incorporated to a distributed runoff model
B25 11:15 リアルタイム洪水予測に向けた分布型水文モデルの河川水位データ同化
Data Assimilation of River Water Levels by Distributed Hydrological Model for Real-time Flood Predictions
B26 11:30 MRI-AGCMにおける地表面パラメータ設定に対する流出量計算への影響分析
Effect of Land Surface Parameters Setting in MRI-AGCM on Runoff Estimation
B27 11:45 山岳地帯における気象強制力の誤差が雪氷融解量計算に及ぼす影響
Effects of Meteorological Data’s Error on Calculation of Snowmelt in Mountainous Areas

大気・水(Ⅴ) <2019.2.20 >

B28 14:00 強風と地震動による作用を受ける免震建物の疲労損傷に対する設計手法
Fatigue Design Methodology for Seismically-isolated Buildings Subjected to Actions Caused by Strong Wind and Seismic Motion
B29 14:15 過去の統計データに基づく高知県南国市における木造戸建住宅の棟数および築年数分布の将来予測
Forecasting Future Developments in Wooden House Stock and Their Age Distribution in Nankoku City, Kochi Prefecture, Based on Past Statistical Data
B30 14:30 開発途上国におけるトタン屋根被害に着目した屋根緊結部改善策の費用対効果
Costs and Benefits for Improvement Measures on Roof Fasteners in Developing Countries Focusing Galvanized Iron Sheet Roof Damages
B31 14:45 Climate Change Impact on Precipitations Associated with Typhoons Nancy and Jebi over Western Japan
 〇Sridhara NAYAK・Tetsuya TAKEMI
B32 15:00 時空間スケールと強度の関係に基づく豪雨シナリオの発生手法
Generating Method of Heavy Rain Scenarios Based on Spatiotemporal Scale and Intensity Relationship
B33 15:15 Kaバンド雲レーダー等のマルチセンサーで捉えた積乱雲の生成・発達過程
A Study of Cumulonimbus in Generating and Developing stage Observed by Ka-Band Cloud Radar and Multisensor
B34 15:45 フェーズドアレイを用いたゲリラ豪雨の渦管消長の詳細解析
Detailed Analysis of the Growth and Decline of Vortextubes in Guerrilla Heavy Rainfall
B35 16:00 APHRODITE日降水量グリッドデータの地形性降雨と極端降水の再現性に対する気候値の効果
Effects of Climatology on Reproducibility of Topographic and Extreme Precipitation Analyzed in APHRODITE Daily Gridded Precipitation Products
B36 16:15 アンサンブル情報の時間変化を用いた線状降水帯豪雨の予測手法の検討
Real-Time Forecast of Heavy Rainfall Due to Line-Shaped Rainbands Using the Time Change of Ensemble Infomation
B37 16:30 2018年6月29日に米原で発生した竜巻被害の調査報告
Report on Tornado Damage Occurred in Maibara on June 29, 2018
B38 16:45 エルニーニョ・南方振動の持続性が大西洋ニーニョ現象の発生に及ぼす影響
Impact of prolonged El Nino-Southern Oscillation on the Atlantic Nino events
 〇時長宏樹・Ingo RICHTER・小坂優
B39 17:15 衛星観測と地上観測に基づくXCO2データの差異の解析
Analysis of Differences between GOSAT and TCCON XCO2 Retrieval Data