横松宗太准教授ら編集の”Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience”が刊行されました
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横松宗太准教授らの編集による、Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilienceが、GADRI Book Seriesの1冊としてSpringer社から刊行されました。
当研究所からは、第1章を編者の横松准教授、第3章を井口正人教授、第4章をMaria Camila Suarez-Pabaさん(工学研究科博士課程修了生、Cruz研)、Dimitrios Tzioutziosさん(工学研究科博士課程、Cruz研)、Ana Maria Cruz 教授が執筆しています。
This book provides insight on how disaster risk management can increase the resilience of society to various natural hazards. The multi-dimensionality of resilience and the various different perspectives in regards to disaster risk reduction are taken explicitly into account by providing studies and approaches on different scales and ranging from natural science based methods to social science frameworks. For all chapters, special emphasis is placed on implementation aspects and specifically in regards to the targets and priorities for action laid out in the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. The chapters provide also a starting point for interested readers on specific issues of resilience and therefore include extensive reference material and important future directions for research.
また、下記リンク先から、本書の目次など詳細、またGADRI Book Seriesについての紹介をご覧になれます。