Oral Presentation

特別セッション 令和元年に発生した風水害 Special Session Wind and flood damage caused in the 2019FY
 Thu, 20 Feb
14:30 A01 近年の豪雨の確率評価
Extreme Analysis of Recent Torrential Rain in Japan
  Shigenobu TANAKA
14:45 A02 2019年台風19号による豪雨の発生機構
Mechanisms for the Development of Heavy Rainfall due to Typhoon Hagibis (2019)
  Tetsuya TAKEMI
15:00 A03 台風19号による土砂災害発生場の特徴と過去の事例との比較
Site characteristics of landslides induced by typhoon Hagibis and their comparison with previous cases
  ◎Masahiro CHIGIRA・Noriyuki ARAI・Yasuto HIRATA・Hirokazu FURUKI
15:15 A04 現業週間アンサンブル予報を用いた事前放流実施時のダム貯水量の回復可能性
Assessment on Reservoir Water Storage Recovery after Prior Release Considering Operational One-week Ensemble Prediction
  ◎Daisuke NOHARA・Tetsuya SUMI
15:30 A05 千曲川破堤による土砂・氾濫災害の再現計算
Numerical Simulation of Flood and Sediment Inundation Caused by the Dyke Breach of Chikuma River
15:45 A06 Temporal and Spatial Characteristics of Typhoon Induced Precipitation over Northern Japan
   ◎Sridhara NAYAK・Tetsuya TAKEMI
16:00 A07 台風19・15号による港湾施設の被害について
Damage of Port Facility Due To Typhoon No.1915
16:15 (Break)

大気・水(1) Atmosphere-Hydrosphere (1)
 Thu, 20 Feb

16:30 A08 沿岸市街地模型を用いた津波・高潮浸水実験とその数値解析
Physical and Numerical Modeling of Tsunami and Storm Surge Inundation
   ◎福井信気・森信人・安田誠宏・Andrew KENNEDY・Che-Wei CHANG・千田優・Zhongduo ZHANG・Andrew COPP・山本剛士
  ◎Nobuki FUKUI・Nobuhito MORI・Tomohiro YASUDA・Andrew KENNEDY・Che-Wei CHANG・Yu CHIDA・Zhongduo ZHANG・Andrew COPP・Takashi YAMAMOTO
16:45 A09 高潮偏差の将来変化予測のための熱帯低気圧強度の長期評価
Long-term Assessment of Tropical Cyclone Intensity for Prediction of Future Change of Storm Surge Height
  ◎Sotaro MORI・Nobuhito MORI
17:00 A10 気候変動による熱帯低気圧及び温帯低気圧の将来変化
Future changes in tropical and extra-tropical cyclones due to climate change
   ◎小池宏之進・森信人・Adrean WEBB・志村智也
  ◎Hironoshin KOIKE・Nobuhito MORI・Adrean WEBB・Tomoya SHIMURA
17:15 A11 Tsunami Ray-Tracing Utilizing the Bending Method
   ◎Tung-Cheng HO・Kenji SATAKE・Shingo WATADA
17:30 (Break)
17:45 A12 海洋表層混合を考慮した全球大気・波浪・海洋結合モデルの開発
Development of a Global Atmosphere-Wave-Ocean Coupled Model by Considering Ocean Surface Mixing
  ◎Daisuke URANO・Tomoya SHIMURA・Nobuhito MORI・Ryo MIZUTA
18:00 A13 砕破による海洋表層混合のパラメタリゼーションと台風に対する応答
impact of wave induced turbulent kinetic energy on tropical cyclone in regional atmosphere-ocean-wave coupled model
   ◎髙木雅史・森信人・二宮順一・志村智也・内山雄介・渡部靖憲・ 馬場康之・水谷英朗・久保輝広・大塚淳一・ 山田朋人・ 猿渡亜由未
  ◎Masashi TAKAGI・Nobuhito MORI・Junichi NINOMIYA・Tomoya SHIMURA・Yusuke UCHIYAMA・Yasunori WATANABE・Yasuyuki BABA・Hideaki MIZUTANI・Teruhiro KUBO・Junichi Otsuka・Tomohito YAMADA・Ayumi SARUWATARI
18:15 A14 解適合格子法を用いた津波伝播計算
Tsunami Simulation using an Adaptive Mesh Refinement Method
  ◎Takuya MIYASHITA・Nobuhito MORI
18:30 A15 Modeling of Coastal Waves and Hydrodynamics in Mangrove Forests
   ◎Che-Wei CHANG・Nobuhito MORI
  ◎Che-Wei CHANG・Nobuhito MORI

地震・火山(2)Seismic and Volcanic Hazards Mitigation (2)
 Fri, 21 Feb

9:00 A16 近地深発地震を用いた広帯域レシーバ関数解析によるスロー地震域構造検出
Seismological Structure around Slow Earthquake Rupture Area Inferred from Multi-band Receiver Functions of Local Deep-focus Event Records
  ◎Yasunori SAWAKI・Yoshihiro ITO・Kazuaki OHTA・Takuo SHIBUTANI・Tomotaka IWATA
9:15 A17 Spatial Clustering of Triggered Tectonic Tremor and Its Relation to Seismic Structure in the Shallow Japan Trench
   ◎Shukei OHYANAGI・Kazuaki OHTA・Yoshihiro ITO・Ryota HINO・Yusaku OHTA・Ryosuke AZUMA・Masanao SHINOHARA・Kimihiro MOCHIZUKI・Toshinori SATO・Yoshio MURAI
9:30 A18 四国地方における3成分GNSSデータを用いた短期的SSEの検出とその継続期間の推定
Detection of Short-term Slow Slip Events and Estimation of Their Duration by Using Three Components of GNSS Data in the Shikoku Region
  ◎Yutaro OKADA・Takuya NISHIMURA
9:45 A19 GNSSデータを用いた1997-2017年東海地方スロースリップイベントの時空間発展の推定
Spatiotemporal evolution of slow slip events in the Tokai region, central Japan, estimated from a very dense GNSS network during 1997–2017
  ◎Hiromu SAKAUE・Takuya NISHIMURA・Jun'ichi FUKUDA・Teruyuki KATO
10:00 A20 Comparing the Nature of the Lithosphere in Alternating Regions of Slow Earthquakes in South America
   ◎Pousali MUKHERJEE・Yoshihiro ITO
10:15 (Break)
10:30 A21 海底圧力記録を用いたニュージーランドヒクランギ沈み込み帯における海底地殻変動の推定
Estimation of seafloor crustal deformation from ocean bottom pressure in Hikurangi subduction zone in New Zealand
  ◎Tomohiro INOUE・Tomoya MURAMOTO・Daisuke INAZU・Yoshihiro ITO・Ryota HINO・Kazuaki OHTA・Syuichi SUZUKI
10:45 A22 津波地震の前震および余震活動の時空間的特徴と波形的特徴
Spatial-temporal and Seismogram Characteristics of Foreshock and Aftershock Activities for Tsunami Earthquakes
  ◎Yifeng LIU・Yoshihiro ITO・Kazuaki OHTA・Satoshi KATAKAMI
11:00 A23 粘弾性緩和と上盤の変形しやすさの不均質分布を考慮した千島沈み込み帯南部のプレート境界の固着分布のモデル化
Megathrust locking modeling in the southern Kurile subduction zone considering viscoelastic relaxation and non-uniform compliance of upper plate
   ◎伊東優治・西村卓也・Kelin WANG・Jiangheng HE
  ◎Yuji ITOH・Takuya NISHIMURA・Kelin WANG・Jiangheng HE
11:15 A24 Rupture Processes of the Foreshocks and the Mainshock and their Correlation with the Seismicity during the Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence
   Yijun ZHANG
11:30 A25 西南日本のブロック間断層におけるメガスラスト地震サイクル中のクーロン応力変化
Coulomb stress changes on block boundary faults during the megathrust earthquake cycle in southwest Japan
11:45 A26 伸張性ステップを有する断層の動的破壊シミュレーション:開口に伴う非DC成分の評価
Dynamic Rupture Simulation on a Fault With a Dilatational Step: Evaluation Of Non-Double-Couple Seismic Moment Associated With an Opening Crack
  ◎Yuuki KURIHARA・Hiroyuki NODA

地震・火山(4) Seismic and Volcanic Hazards Mitigation (4)
 Fri, 21 Feb

14:00 A27 北海道胆振東部地震の主要被災地における人的被害に関する世帯調査
Damage Survey on Human Casualty in Household Unit in the Affected Municipalities of the 2018 Hokkaido Eastern Iburi Earthquake
  ◎Shigeyuki OKADA・Tadayoshi NAKASHIMA・Shotaro IWASAKI・Junichiro NISHIKAYAMA・Shinichi MATSUSHIMA・Kazuki KOKETSU
14:15 A28 2016年熊本地震の崩壊発生の初期過程と振動方向との関係
Initial Process of Landslides and Direction of the Strong Ground Motion triggered by 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake
  Takashi SAITO
14:30 A29 2018年アナク・クラカタウ山体崩壊:地すべりの運動メカニズムと津波シミュレーション
The 2018 edifice collapse event of Anak Krakatau, Indonesia: Landslide movement history and Tsunami simulation
   ◎山田真澄・綿田辰吾・中道治久・Iyan MULIA・Karyono
  ◎Masumi Yamada・Shingo WATADA・Haruhisa NAKAMICHI・Iyan MULIA・Karyono
14:45 A30 室内水圧破砕実験における微小破壊の震源パラメタ推定
Source parameter estimation of acoustic emissions induced by hydraulic fracturing in the laboratory
  ◎Makoto NAOI・Youqing CHEN・Keiichi IMAKITA
15:00 A31 これからの地震学について:I. 大地震の観測
Future seismology: I. Observation of large and mega-earthquakes
  Peiliang XU
15:15 (Break)
15:30 A32 なぜ自分は地震を予知できると錯覚する人は絶えないのか?
Self-illusion of the earthquake pseudo-predictors
  Mamoru KATO
15:45 A33 山陰地方の地震活動の謎
Mystery of seismic activity in the San'in district
  Yosihisa IIO
16:00 A34 関東地方に発生する短期的スロースリップイベント
Short-term Slow Slip Events in the Kanto region, central Japan
16:15 A35 南海トラフ地震への時間予測モデル適用の妥当性
Validity of Application of Time Predictable Model to the Nankai Trough Earthquake
16:30 A36 海底雑微動と地震波干渉法における時間変化
Ambient noise field and temporal changes in seismic interferograms at sea bottom
   ◎伊藤喜宏・植村美優・Spahr C. WEBB・望月公廣・Stuart Henrys
  ◎Yoshihiro ITO・Miyuu UEMURA・Spahr C. WEBB・Kimihiro MOCHIZUKI・Stuart HENRYS
16:45 A37 津波が作る電磁場について
On the tsunami-generated electromagnetic field
  Hiroaki TOH