京都大学防災研究所年報 第66号 Aへ
To DPRI Annuals, No. 66 A
京都大学防災研究所年報 第66号 Cへ
To DPRI Annuals, No. 66 C
京都大学防災研究所年報 第66号 B
DPRI Annuals, No. 66 B
表紙 | |||||||
目次 | |||||||
浅層ボーリングデータを用いた大阪盆地地盤構造モデルの修正 Improvement of the Subsurface Structure Model of the Osaka Basin Using Shallow Borehole Data | 1 | ||||||
関口春子・浅野公之・吉見雅行 Haruko SEKIGUCHI, Kimiyuki ASANO and Masayuki YOSHIMI | |||||||
地盤構造モデル,浅層ボーリング,大阪盆地 subsurface structure model, shallow borehole, Osaka Basin | |||||||
応答スペクトルを用いて改正メルカリ震度階を計算する方法の素案 Proposal of the Method of Calculating Modified Mercalli Intensity Using the Response Spectra (Draft) | 5 | ||||||
境有紀・汐満将史・中澤駿佑 Yuki SAKAI, Masashi SHIOMITSU and Shunsuke NAKAZAWA | |||||||
改正メルカリ震度階,応答スペクトル,計測震度,1-1.5秒震度 Modified Mercalli (MM) intensity, response spectra, JMA seismic intensity, 1-1.5sec. seismic intensity | |||||||
人の防災意識を高めるアートAR看板 Art AR Signboard That Raises People’s Awareness of Disaster Prevention | 11 | ||||||
土佐尚子・パンウネン・武田暢輝・瀧川雄亮・山田晃弘・平石哲也・中津良平 Naoko TOSA, Yunian PANG, Nobuki TAKEDA, Yusuke TAKIGAWA, Akihiro YAMADA, Tetsuya HIRAISHI and Ryohei NAKATSU | |||||||
防災看板,AR看板,防災アート,津波アート prevention signboard, AR signboard, disaster prevention art, tsunami art | |||||||
アートとミラーディスプレイを用いた災害後の心理状態の改善に関する研究 Study on Mental State Improvement after Disaster Using Art Content and Mirror Display | 21 | ||||||
中津良平・土佐尚子・新山聡・楠見孝 Ryohei NAKATSU, Naoko TOSA, Satoshi NIIYAMA and Takashi KUSUMI | |||||||
ミラーディスプレイ,アートコンテンツ,トラウマからの回復,心理実験 mirror display, art content, recovery from trauma, psychological experiment | |||||||
2023年1月19日滋賀県守山・草津付近の爆発音の震源推定 Source Estimation of the Explosion around Moriyama and Kusatsu, Shiga Prefecture, on January 19, 2023 | 33 | ||||||
山田真澄 Masumi YAMADA | |||||||
爆発音,衝撃波,ソニックブーム,震源推定,火球,戦闘機 explosive sound, shock wave, sonic boom, source estimation, fireball, aircraft | |||||||
極配置法に基づく建物振動の統一的理解の連結制振への拡張 Extension of Unified Understanding Based on Pole Allocation for Building Vibration to Joint Damper | 42 | ||||||
池田芳樹・松本祐輝 Yoshiki IKEDA and Yuki MATSUMOTO | |||||||
建物,連結制振,統一的理解,極配置,定点理論,制御効果 building, joint damper, unified understanding, pole allocation, fixed-point theory, control effect | |||||||
飛騨山脈南部における震度観測網構築の実現可能性の研究 ― その1:計画の概要と機器開発 ― Feasibility Study of Constructing a Seismic Intensity Network in the Hida Mountain Region | 59 | ||||||
大見士朗・松田俊彦・加藤銀次郎・山田 直・粟澤 徹・竹腰藤年・齋藤武士・宮田秀介・山田真澄 Shiro OHMI, Toshihiko MATSUDA, Ginjiro KATO, Tadashi YAMADA, Toru AWAZAWA, Fujitoshi TAKEKOSHI, Takeshi SAITO, Shusuke MIYATA and Masumi YAMADA | |||||||
飛騨山脈,震度,観測ネットワーク Hida mountain range, Seismic intensity, Observation network | |||||||
桜島火山における繰り返し相対重力測定(2022年10月および2023年2~3月) Repeated Relative Gravity Measurements in Sakurajima Volcano (October 2022 and February-March 2023) | 67 | ||||||
風間卓仁・大柳 諒・山本圭吾・岡田和見・大島弘光・竹中悠亮・井口正人 Takahito KAZAMA, Ryo OYANAGI, Keigo YAMAMOTO, Kazumi OKADA, Hiromitsu OSHIMA, Yusuke TAKENAKA and Masato IGUCHI | |||||||
桜島火山,相対重力,質量移動,地殻変動,陸水重力擾乱 Sakurajima Volcano, relative gravity, mass redistribution, crustal deformation, hydrological gravity disturbance | |||||||
口永良部島火山で発生するモノクロマティック微動 ―2019年9月以降の古岳山体周辺における活動― Activity of Monochromatic Events at Kuchinoerabujima Volcano from September 2019 | 76 | ||||||
山田大志・井口正人・中道治久 Taishi YAMADA, Masato IGUCHI and Haruhisa NAKAMICHI | |||||||
口永良部島火山,火山活動,火山性地震,モノクロマティック微動 Kuchinoerabujima volcano, Volcanic activity, Volcano earthquakes, Monochromatic events | |||||||
姶良カルデラにおける長期連続反射法第2回目基礎実験 The Second Fundamental Experiment for the Time-lapse Seismic Volcano Monitoring of Aira Caldera | 87 | ||||||
筒井智樹・味喜大介・為栗 健・井口正人 Tomoki TSUTSUI, Daisuke MIKI, Takeshi TAMEGURI, and Masato IGUCHI | |||||||
姶良カルデラ,火山活動監視,人工地震,地下構造 Aira Caldera, volcano monitoring, seismic surveys, subsurface structure | |||||||
姶良カルデラ周辺の地盤変動に関する有限要素法モデルを用いた圧力源形状の検討(続報) Investigation of Pressure Source Geometries Using Finite Element Method for Ground Deformation at Around Aira Caldera II | 96 | ||||||
味喜大介・筒井智樹・井口正人 Daisuke MIKI, Tomoki TSUTSUI and Masato IGUCHI | |||||||
姶良カルデラ,地盤変動,圧力源形状,低S波速度領域 Aira caldera, ground deformation, pressure source geometries, low Vs region | |||||||
桜島降灰分布データベース(VASH) Database of Sakurajima Volcanic Ash Fall Distribution (VASH) | 100 | ||||||
真木雅之・佐野香那・中道治久・井口正人・西 隆昭・中村啓彦・小堀壮彦 Masayuki MAKI, Kana SANO, Haruhisa NAKAMICHI, Masato IGUCHI, Takaaki NISHI, Hirohiko NAKAMURA and Takehiko KOBORI | |||||||
気象レーダ,火山噴火雲,VASH,ウェブサイト weather radar, volcanic eruption cloud, VASH, website | |||||||
桜島火山における2020年6月の火山岩塊落下を受けて実施した 火山情報に関する住民意識調査 Questionnaire Survey on the Volcano Information to the Residents in Response to Falling Ballistic Volcanic Blocks Found on June 8, 2020 in Sakurajima Volcano | 111 | ||||||
中道治久・阪本真由美 Haruhisa NAKAMICHI and Mayumi SAKAMOTO | |||||||
桜島火山,ハザードマップ,噴火警戒レベル,火山岩塊,質問票調査 Sakurajima volcano, hazard map, volcanic alert level, ballistic volcanic block, questionnaire survey | |||||||
3次元ひずみ空間多重せん断モデルにおける初期構造異方性の表現に関する一考察 A Study on Representation of Inherent Anisotropy in Three-Dimensional Strain Space Multiple Mechanism Model | 121 | ||||||
上田恭平・中原知洋・井川誠二 Kyohei UEDA, Tomohiro NAKAHARA and Seiji IGAWA | |||||||
地盤材料,3次元構成モデル,初期構造異方性,多重せん断機構 geomaterial, three-dimensional constitutive model, inherent anisotropy, multiple shear mechanism | |||||||
2011年紀伊半島大水害で発生した宇宮原深層崩壊の地質・地形学的背景について Geological and Geomorphological Background of the Uguhara Landslide in the 2011 Kii Disaster | 127 | ||||||
荒井紀之 Noriyuki ARAI | |||||||
深層崩壊,重力斜面変形,豪雨,付加体,断層 deep-seated catastrophic landslide, gravitational slope deformation, heavy rainfall, accretionary complex, fault | |||||||
梅雨前線上に発生したメソ低気圧のアンサンブル予報実験 Ensemble Forecast Experiments of a Meso-scale Cyclone in the Baiu Frontal Zone | 140 | ||||||
榎本剛・中下早織・石井智 Takeshi ENOMOTO, Saori NAKASHITA and Satoshi ISHII | |||||||
梅雨前線帯,メソ低気圧,海面フラックス,アンサンブル予報 Bain frontal zone, meso-scale cyclone, sea-surface flux, ensemble forecast | |||||||
2021年8月福徳岡ノ場の海底火山噴火で噴出した軽石の漂流シミュレーション Simulation of Drift of Pumice Erupted from the Volcano at Fukutoku-Okanoba on August 2021 | 147 | ||||||
井口敬雄・榎本剛・吉田聡 Takao IGUCHI, Takeshi ENOMOTO and Akira YOSHIDA | |||||||
福徳岡ノ場,火山,軽石,漂流 Fukutoku-Okanoba, volcano, pumice, drift | |||||||
動径基底関数に基づく大気大循環モデルを用いた傾圧不安定波実験 Baroclinic Instability Experiments Using an Atmospheric General Circulation Model Based on Radial Basis Functions | 151 | ||||||
小笠原宏司・榎本剛 Koji OGASAWARA and Takeshi ENOMOTO | |||||||
動径基底関数,プリミティブ方程式モデル,メッシュレス法 radial basis functions, primitive equation model, meshless method | |||||||
温帯及び熱帯低気圧に関する成長モードの比較 Comparison of Growing Modes for Extratropical and Tropical Disturbances | 159 | ||||||
中下早織 · 榎本剛 Saori NAKASHITA and Takeshi ENOMOTO | |||||||
領域アンサンブル,成長モード,アンサンブル感度解析 Regional ensemble, Growing modes, Ensemble sensitivity analysis | |||||||
Seeder-Feederモデル及びレーダー立体観測情報の活用による 地上雨量推定手法の開発 Development of Ground Rainfall Estimation Method Using Seeder-Feeder Model and Radar Volume Scanning Observation | 175 | ||||||
中北英一・佐藤克哉・中渕遥平 Eiichi NAKAKITA, Katsuya SATO and Yohei NAKABUCHI | |||||||
Seeder-Feeder,粒径分布,地形性降雨,地上雨量推定 Seeder-Feeder, drop size distribution, orographic rainfall, ground rainfall estimation | |||||||
2008年神戸都賀川豪雨のLES実験と風速場操作による気象制御 LES of the Guerrilla Heavy Rainfall at Toga River, Kobe, 2008 and Meteorological Control by Intervention in Wind Speed Field | 183 | ||||||
山口弘誠・西村太一・中北英一 Kosei YAMAGUCHI, Taichi NISHIMURA and Eiichi NAKAKITA | |||||||
ゲリラ豪雨,都賀川,気象制御,渦管 guerrilla heavy rainfall, Toga River, meteorological control, vortex tube | |||||||
メカニズム解明に向けた線状対流系過去事例群の統合的物理解析 Integrated Physical Analysis of Past Line-shaped Convective Systems for Mechanisms Investigation | 192 | ||||||
仲ゆかり・福田果奈・中北英一 Yukari NAKA, Kana FUKUDA and Eiichi NAKAKITA | |||||||
線状対流系,時空間特性,梅雨前線,自己組織性 line-shaped convective system, spatio-temporal scale, Baiu front, self-organization | |||||||
地形性降雨を考慮した短時間降雨予測による列車運転規制方法に関する研究 Investigation on the Train Operation Control Method with Short-term Rainfall Prediction Considering the Orographic Rainfall | 203 | ||||||
中渕遥平・中北英一 Yohei NAKABUCHI and Eiichi NAKAKITA | |||||||
列車運行,降雨予測,移流モデル,地形性降雨 Train operation, Rainfall prediction, Translation model, Orographic rainfall | |||||||
地形に起因する線状対流系の数値標高モデル感度実験 ―自己組織化構造におけるマルチフラクタル的性質― Sensitivity Experiments of Digital Elevation Models: toward the Identification of Topographically Induced Self-organization Structure of Linear Shaped Convective Systems | 218 | ||||||
大野哲之・山口弘誠・中北英一 Akiyuki ONO, Kosei YAMAGUCHI, and Eiichi NAKAKITA | |||||||
線状対流系,数値標高モデル,積算降水量,水蒸気フラックス,乱流運動エネルギー,マルチフラクタル linear-shaped Convective Systems, digital elevation model, accumulated rainfall, water vapor flux, turbulence kinetic energy, multifractal | |||||||
豪雨発生の偶然性評価を目的としたスケール相似則モデルのLESへの適用 Application of Scale Similarity Model to Large-Eddy Simulation for Investigation on Contingency of Convective Initiation | 230 | ||||||
山口弘誠・河谷能幸・中北英一 Kosei YAMAGUCHI, Yoshiyuki KAWATANI and Eiichi NAKAKITA | |||||||
線状対流系,Large-Eddy Simulation, スケール相似則モデル Line-shaped rain bands, Large-Eddy Simulation, Scale similarity model | |||||||
Characterization of Future Rainfall Prone to Sediment Hazards in a Changing Climate Using Radial-Basis Function Network: A Case Study of Rokko Mountain Area | 238 | ||||||
Ying-Hsin WU, Akihiko YAMAJI and Eiichi NAKAKITA | |||||||
climate change, NHRCM, Radar-AMeDAS, Radial Basis Function Network | |||||||
Enhancing the Precision of Daily Precipitation Data Using an ANN Downscaling Model: Case Study in Japan
| 247 | ||||||
Sunmin KIM, Ilham KHATEEB and Yasuto TACHIKAWA | |||||||
Artificial Neural Networks; statistical downscaling; precipitation; spatial correlation | |||||||
土石流の流動特性を考慮した鉄道の土砂災害対策 Countermeasures Against Sediment Disaster on Railroads Considering Flow Characteristics of Debris Flow | 256 | ||||||
竹林洋史 Hiroshi TAKEBAYASHI | |||||||
鉄道,土石流,数値解析,現地調査,土砂災害対策 Railways, Debris flow, Numerical analysis, Field observation, Countermeasures against sediment disaster | |||||||
3Dプリンターを用いた低価格気象観測測器の開発と検証 Development and Verification of Low-cost Meteorological Observation Instruments Using 3D Printers | 263 | ||||||
峠嘉哉・Temur KHUJANAZAROV・田中賢治 Yoshiya TOUGE, Temur KHUJANAZAROV and Kenji TANAKA | |||||||
気象観測,3Dプリンター,低価格観測,PUB meteorological observation, 3D printer, low cost measurement, PUB | |||||||
Assessment of Dam Impacts on Flow and Sediment in the Sai Gon-Dong Nai River Basin, Vietnam | 270 | ||||||
Doan Van BINH, Nguyen Luyen Phuong DOAN, Le Van QUYEN, Luc Anh TUAN, Binh Quang NGUYEN, Sameh A. KANTOUSH, Le Manh HUNG and Tetsuya SUMI | |||||||
Dam impact, flow regime alteration, sediment, climate change, Sai Gon-Dong Nai River Basin | |||||||
円山川の超過洪水時におけるリスク軽減のための計画的氾濫に関する研究 Study on Premediated Overflow for Risk Reduction against Excessive Flood in Maruyama River | 278 | ||||||
大西左海 ・角哲也・竹門康弘・Sameh KANTOUSH Sakai ONISHI, Tetsuya SUMI , Yasuhiro TAKEMON and Sameh KANTOUSH | |||||||
計画的氾濫,氾濫解析,洪水調節,超過洪水 premediated overflow, inundation analysis, flood control, extreme event | |||||||
裏表紙 | |||||||