

開 催 日:平成24年2月21日(火)~ 22日(水)

2月21日(火) 一般講演 (15:15-18:30) 
GCOE(Ⅰ) D会場--大会議室S-519D
15:15D01 Evaluation of Seismic Coefficient Value for Bridge Design in Malaysia

15:30D02 Numerical Assessment of the Permeability for the Pleistocene Sand Gravel Deposits Considering the Subsurface Stratigraphy of KIX
○Byunggon JEON・Mamoru MIMURA・Youhei SAITSU

15:45D03 Approach to Creating a Field for Disaster Reduction at the Community Level
○Junho CHOI ・Hirokazu TATANO

16:00D04 Role of Social Networks in Community’s Flood Risk Perception and Mitigation Behavior: A case study from Mumbai, India
○Subhajyoti SAMADDAR・Hirokazu TATANO

16:15D05 Spatial Risk Assessment for Flood Caused by Rivers: Part1 Analysis of Spatial Temporal Characteristic of Rainfall
〇Xinyu JIANG・Hirokazu TATANO・Tomoharu HORI

16:30D06 Integrating Models in the Lower Part of Chao-Phraya River Basin for an Early Flood Warning System

17:00D07 Experimental Study of Debris Particle Routing near Upstream Area for 25° Case
○Mohd Remy Rozainy M.A.Z・Yosuke YAMASHIKI・Taku MATSUMOTO・Tamotsu TAKAHASHI・Kaoru TAKARA

17:15D08 El Nino Modoki Impacts on Austral Summer Extremely Low Discharges Events of the Paranaiba
○Netrananda SAHU・Yosuke YAMASHIKI・Kaoru TAKARA

17:30D09 Use of the Observation and MRI-GCM Data for Future Prediction of the Water Temperature in the Imja Glacier Lake, Nepal

17:45D10 Portable Ring Shear Apparatus and its Application on Croatian Landslides

18:00D11 Reconstruction of the Paleo-hydrology under the paleo-land-use and paleo-climate conditions
○Pingping LUO・Hans Renssen・Bin HE・ Kaoru TAKARA・APIP・Daniel Nover ・Kenichiro KOBAYASHI・Yosuke YAMASHIKI

18:15D12 砂質堤防越水時の浸透とすべり破壊を考慮した越流破壊解析法の検討
Numerical Study on River Embankment Failure due to Overtopping Flow Considering Infiltration and Mass Sliding

2月22日(水) 一般講演 (9:00-12:00) 
GCOE(Ⅱ)+総合防災(Ⅰ) D会場--大会議室S-519D
9:00D13 最悪台風による淀川流域洪水被害の推定
Estimation of the Possible Flood Damage in the Yodogawa River Catchment by the Worst Case Typhoon
○小林健一郎・石川裕彦・寶 馨

9:15D14 An EcoHealth Approach to link Ecological Risks to Human Health in a Changing Environment

9:30D15 アフリカサブサヘル半乾燥地域の気象
Meteorology in sub-Sahel in Africa

9:45D16 2011年東北地方太平洋沖地震で観測された強震動とその構造物破壊能
Strong Motions Observed during The 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake and Their Structural Damage Potential

10:00D17 Prediction of Refugee Population and Relief Supply at School Districts in an Earthquake

10:15D18 Vitae System Based Agent Modeling and Simulation of Self-Evacuation and Rescuing Process under Survivability-Critical States in Underground Flooding

10:30D19 東日本大震災の津波来襲時における「社会的なリアリティ」の構築過程に関する考察
The Social Reality of the Great East Japan Earthquake as a Media Event - A Content Analysis of NHK-TV Reporting -

10:45D20 Micromedia Serviceによる防災情報提供システムの開発
Development of Disaster Information Provision System by Micromedia Service

11:00D21 Experimenting a Communicative Approach to Enhance Awareness and Collaboration for Citizen Involved Disaster Risk Reduction by Combining Yonmenkaigi System and DIT Method
○Judith CUADRA・Norio OKADA

11:15D22 東海・東南海・南海地震を想定した浄水施設の事業継続戦略構築
Development of Business Continuity Plan for Water Treatment Facilities Preparing for the Tokai-Tonankai-Nankai Earthquake

11:30D23 被災地の復興における地域色の維持と人口流出の問題に関する一考察
On Management of Local Feature and Population Outflow from Disaster-Affected Regions

11:45D24 Disaster Prevention Education in Okitsu District Based on the Theory of Community of Practices

2月22日(水) 一般講演 (14:00-17:15) 
総合防災(Ⅱ) D会場--大会議室S-519D
14:00D25 東日本大震災による経済影響評価の試み
Challenges of economic loss estimation caused by the great east Japan earthquake

14:15D26 東日本大震災後の電力供給不足に対する産業部門の対応とレジリエンス
Response and Resilience in Industiral Sector under Power Shortages Following the Eastern Japan Earthquake

14:30D27 地震動に適した震源過程モデルに関する提案
Proposal of Ground Motion-based Source Model

14:45D28 福島県成人住民の放射性セシウムへの経口・吸入曝露の予備的評価
Preliminary Assessment of Ecological Exposure of Adult Residents in Fukushima Prefecture to Radioactive Cesium through Ingestion and Inhalation

15:00D29 被災地における災害復旧業務ワンストップサービス支援システムの開発
Development of One Stop Service Support Information System in Disaster Affected Area during Disaster Recovery Stage

15:15D30 「基礎生活圏」に基づく災害対応、復旧対策の基礎的検討 -東海・東南海・南海連動性地震による紀伊半島を事例として-
Primary Study of Disaster Response and Recovery Strategy Based on Fundamental Living Sphere - Case of Kii Peninsula for the Tokai Tonankai Nankai Earthquake -

15:45D31 巨大災害リスクと国土構造のリダンダンシー
Redundancy of National Land Structure and Catastrophic Disaster Risk

16:00D32 津波に適した震源過程モデルに関する提案
Proposal of Tsunami-based Source Model

16:15D33 西日本大震災発生時の津波襲来地域で想定される課題ーある太平洋沿岸自治体を 対象とした津波避難モデルによる検討
Tasks of Tsunami Affected Area in Case of the West Japan Earthquake Disasters - A Case Study of a Municipality on the Pacific Coast by Using a Tsunami Evacuation Model

16:30D34 岩手県の漁業者の暮らしに対する東日本大震災の影響
Impacts of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami on livelihoods of fishermen in Iwate Prefecture, Japan

16:45D35 東日本大震災の長期的な経済的影響のモデル分析
Long-term Effect on Economy after the Great East Japan Earthquake

17:00D36 津波に強いまちづくりに向けた東日本大震災被災地域の避難行動調査
Relationships between Mitigation Efforts and Evacuation Processes in a Tsunami Affected Community