一般講演:E会場 - S-519D(宇治地区研究所本館)
Oral Session: Assembly Room E -
S-519D (Uji Research Institute Main Building)

総合防災(I) <2018.2.20>

E01 13:30 Statistical Text Analysis of Tweets Related to the 2015 Kinu River Flooding
 ○Yongxue SHI・ Takahiro SAYAMA・ Kaoru TAKARA
E02 13:45 Information Sharing and the Roles of Pioneer Adopters in Disaster Preparedness
 ○Subhajyoti SAMADDAR・Hirokazu TATANO
E03 14:00 Measuring Cyclone Aila Recovery Progress in Bangladesh from People's Perception: A Score Based Recovery Assessment Tool Applicable for Limited Data Environment
 ○Md Shibly SADIK・Hajime NAKAGAWA・Rajib SHAW・Md Rezaur RAHMAN・Kenji KAWAIKE・Gulsan Ara PARVIN・Kumiko FUJITA
E04 14:15 Site Effect Analysis of Shallow Subsurface Structures at Mashiki Town, Kumamoto, Based on Microtremor Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratios
 ○Jikai SUN・Hiroshi KAWASE・Fumiaki NAGASHIMA
E05 14:30 Stakeholder Input for a Common, Global, Comprehensive Risk Management Framework for Industrial Parks to Manage Risks from Natural Hazards
 ○Maria Camila SUAREZ・Ana Maria CRUZ
E06 14:45 Education's Role in Protection of Afghan Women from Disasters
 ○Marina HAMIDAZADA・Ana Maria CRUZ
E07 15:15 Air Pollution in Ger Districts of Mongolia: Analysis of Gaps between Policy and Practice based on an Awareness and Risk Perception Survey
 ○Bonjun KOO・Ana Maria CRUZ
E08 15:30 災害ドローン救援隊DRONEBIRDが目指す未来
Next generation of Crisis Response Drone Tech.
E09 15:45 救急医療と耐震工学とが連携した京都市の自然・人為災害に対する地域医療BCP (事業継続計画)構築
Business Continuity Plan for Regional Medical Care in Kyoto City designed by Kyoto iMED, informatics-Medicine-Engineering research against Disaster
E10 16:00 津波によって移流拡散する石油の燃焼拡大性状を予測する火災シミュレーションモデルの開発
Development of a computational model for tsunami-induced oil spill fire spread
E11 16:15 地震学に関する理科教育の日墨比較研究
Comparative Studies of Japanese and Mexican Science Education about Seismology
E12 16:45 メキシコ・シワタネホと黒潮町の中学校合同津波避難訓練ーシワタネホに見る効果ー
Joint Tsunami Evacuation Drill by Junior High Schools of Zihuatanejo, Mexico and Kuroshio, Japan -Impact for the School in Zihuatanejo-
E13 17:00 津波発生時における避難誘導に関する考察 -メキシコシワタネホ地区での事例-
A Study on Evacuation Guidance in Tsunami Disaster -Case Study in Zihuatanejo, Mexico-
E14 17:15 避難行動のコラボラティブ・モデリングにおける津波避難シミュレーションの役割
A Role of Tsunami Evacuation Simulation for Collaborative Modeling of Evacuation Behaviors
 ○中居楓子・ 畑山満則・矢守克也
E15 17:30 津波避難訓練の参加率に注目した防災教育の長期的効果の検証~高知県黒潮町を例に~
Evaluation of Long-term Effect of Education for Disaster Risk Reduction by Focusing on Personal Attribute Information of Participants in Tsunami Evacuation Drills
E16 17:45 地域の食料品店による災害時の食料提供の可能性に関する基礎的研究
A Probability Model of Availability of Food Stuffs in a Grocery in Local Community

総合防災(Ⅱ) <2018.2.21>

E17 9:00 最適内挿法を用いた降雨流出氾濫モデルの河川水位データ同化法
Data Assimilation of River Water Levels by the Rainfall-Runoff-Inundation Model based on Optimal Interpolation Method
E18 9:15 雨に対する児童の感覚に基づいた今後の防災教育について
Future Education for Disaster Reduction Based on Children's Impression of Rain
E19 9:30 防災教育推進校の教師への防災教育実践に関する意識調査 -教科横断型の防災教育の構築に向けて-
Attitude survey on Disaster Prevention Educational Practice to Teachers of Disaster Education Promotion School
E20 10:45 洪水ハザードマップと体験施設を用いた高校生の防災学習の試み
Trial Study of High-school Students on Flood Disaster Mitigation Using the Flood Hazard Map and the Experimental Facilities
E21 10:00 トップダウンからボトムアップの防災へ~台湾の「土石流防災専員」を事例に~
From Top-Down to Bottom Up~The Case of Debris Flow Volunteer Specialists in Taiwan
 ○Lee FUHSING・矢守克也
E22 10:15 ベイトソンの「学習」論に学ぶ-防災教育論の基礎づけのために-
Learning Gregory Bateson’s Theory of Learning
E23 10:45 拡散波動場理論の海外での適用~グルノーブル盆地の事例~
application of diffuse field theory to foreign subsurface structure -a case of Grenoble-
E24 11:00 ネパールにおけるノンエンジニアド住宅の構造性能向上に対する投資対効果の検証
Cost-benefit analysis on structural performance improvement of non-engineered houses in Nepal
E25 11:15 防災・減災活動における民間企業の活用に向けた一考察
A Study on Mobilization of Private Firms for Disaster Risk Reduction Activities

地震・火山(Ⅲ) <2018.2.21>

E26 14:00 Rethinking Earthquake Prediction in Japan: A Risk Communication Perspective
 ○James D. GOLTZ・Evelyn ROELOFFS
E27 14:15 Enabling Smart Retrofit to Enhance Seismic Resiliency: Japan and NZ Case Studies
E28 14:30 A Hypothesis of the Earthquake and Rain Induced Megaslide in Pakistan-based on the Undrained Dynamic Loading Ring Shear Tests and Computer Simulation
 ○Saima RIAZ・Kaoru TAKARA・Kyoji SASSA・Muhammad BASHARAT
E29 14:45 有限電気伝導度をもつ半無限媒質中の弾性波動場から生じる電磁場
The Electromagnetic Field Generated by Seismic Waves in a Conductive Half-space Medium
E30 15:15 For Satellite Gravimetry as a Global Precise Earth's Sensor of Large Earthquakes, Water Resources and Beyond: Solutions to Problems Incorrectly Solved for 100 Years
 Peiliang XU
E31 15:30 ドローン撮影と地震波形記録から解明された飯山の地すべりの運動履歴
Dynamic movement history of the 2017 Iiyama landslide revealed from drone image and seismic data
E32 15:45 兵庫県南部地震以降、六甲山は高くなったのか?
Did the Rokko Mountains Rise after the Kobe Earthquake?