

2月27日(木) 一般講演 総合防災(Ⅰ)
14:30A01 観測記録に基づく実大鉄骨架構の物理パラメタの同定に関する研究
A Study on Identification of the Physical Parameters of a Full-Scale Steel Structure Based on Observed Records

14:45A02 機能的フラジリティ曲線を用いた降灰時の交通容量推計に関する研究
Functional Fragility Curves For A Traffic Capacity In Case of Volcanic Ashfall

15:00A15 不慣れな業務の効率化手法の検討 -罹災証明発給業務を例にして-
Research for Efficient method for Unexperienced Operations. -In Case of Victims Certification-

15:15A04 都市生活者と事業者の断水受忍限度に基づいた非飲用水の災害時潜在需要推計
Estimation of Disaster Potential Demand for Undrinkable Water Based on Water Suspension Tolerable Limits of City Dweller and Business Operator

15:30A17 災害対応における状況認識統一の為のWebGISを用いた地図活用手法標準化に関する研究
Research on Standardization of the Map Application Using WebGIS for Unified Situational Awareness in Disaster Response

15:45A06 Experimental Study of Steel Slit Shear Walls with X-shaped Links Capable of Condition Assessment
○Liusheng HE・Kei FUKIHARA・Kazuhiro HAYASHI・Masahiro KURATA・Masayoshi NAKASHIMA

16:15A07 Damage Progressing and Collapse of Tall Buildings with Various Beam-Column Strength Deterioration Factors
○Yongtao BAI・Shitaro MATSUO・Akihiko KAWANO

16:30A08 変形性能に着目した耐震補強工法の実験的および数値解析的研究
Experimental and Analytical Study on New Reinforced Walls with Special Reference to Their Deformability

16:45A09 スマートフォンを利用した被害予測情報の配信に関する実証的研究
A Practical Study on Information Distribution Method of Building Damage Prediction Using Smart Phones

17:00A10 観測地震動とその構造物破壊能 -東北地方太平洋沖地震と中国汶川地震の比較
Observed Earthquake Records and their Structural Damage Potential -Comparison of Tohoku Earthquake and Wenchuan Earthquake

17:15A11 福岡県警固断層沿いにおける地盤震動特性の把握と地盤構造同定
The Investigation of Ground Shaking Property and the Identification of Ground Structure along Kego Fault in Fukuoka Prefecture

17:30A18 東日本大 震災における宮城県災害対策本部及び関係組織の動きに 関する研究
Research of Actions of Emergency Operations Center of Miyagi Prefectural Government and Related Organizations after the Great East Japan Earthquake

17:45A19 道路占用許可申請業務におけるWeb上での災害時業務と平常時業務の連携性の検討
Discussion of the Commonality between Disaster Business Period and Normal Period Business by Using Web System

2月28日(金) 一般講演 総合防災(Ⅱ)
9:00A14 復興まちづくりと地域の慣習 - 社会ネットワーク分析アプローチ -
Town Development after a Disaster and Local Convention -a Social Network Analysis Approach -

9:15A03 A Methodology for Estimation of Business Interruption Loss Caused by Flood Disaster:A Case Study of Tokai Heavy Rain
○Lijiao YANG・ Yoshio KAJITANI・ Hirokazu TATANO

9:30A16 An Analysis of Tourist Perceptions and Responses towards Disasters:a Case Study of Sichuan after Earthquakes

9:45A05 マルチエージェントシミュレーションを用いたコミュニティ避難計画の策定支援
Support of Community Based Tsunami Evacuation Planning with Multi-Agent Simulation

10:00A12 「羅生門問題」からみた被災地の復興過程――茨城県大洗町を例に
Disaster Recovery Process Viewed from the “Rashomon” Perspective: The Case of Oarai Town, Ibaraki

10:15A13 正統的周辺参加理論に基づく防災学習の実践
Disaster Education Based on Legitimate Peripheral Participation Theory

10:45A20 Keyword Analysis of the Relationship between Tweets and Shaking Intensity after 3.11 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster

11:00A21 科学的根拠に基づく意思決定の普及方策の検討 -京都府の集中豪雨対策の取り組みを通じて-
A Study on Promotion of Science-based Decision Making -In Case of Kyoto Prefecture's Challenges against Torrential Rainfall-

11:15A22 A Methodology for Assessment of Spatial Distribution of Flood Risk: Considering Multiple Flood Sources
○Xinyu Jiang・ Hirokazu TATANO

11:30A23 Study on the Effect of Sediment Size on The River Dyke Breach Characteristics due to Flow Overtopping

11:45A24 Experimental Study on the Discharge Coefficient for Side Weir with Pressurized Flow in Circular Channel
○Dongwoo KO ・ Hajime NAKAGAWA ・ Kenji KAWAIKE ・ Hao ZHANG

2月28日(金) 一般講演 総合防災(Ⅲ)
14:00A25 途上国における防災投資の経済成長効果の定量的分析
Effect of Disaster Mitigation on Economic Growth in a Developing Country

14:15A26 参加型防災計画のためのリスクガバナンスプロセス
Risk Governance Process for Participatory Disaster Risk Reduction
○Hirokazu TATANO・Junho CHOI・Subhajyoti SAMADDAR

14:30A27 東日本大震災における外貿コンテナ貨物の代替港湾の利用状況に関する分析
An Analysis of Alternative Ports of International Container Transports after the Great East Japan Earthquake

14:45A28 自動車産業サプライチェーンにおける東日本大震災のインパクト分析
Analyzing Impact of the East Japan Great Earthquake on the Automobile Industry 

15:00A29 津波避難に対するサーファー意識の全国調査
Nationwide Survey of Surfers' Awareness about Tsunami Evacuation
○安田誠宏・任田卓人・畑山満則・池本 藍・島田広昭・森 信人・間瀬 肇