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 【 年報 第58号 A:DPRI Annuals No. 58 A
    災害調査報告:Disaster Reports
    1 続発する日本の水蒸気噴火 1

Successive Occurrence of Phreatic Eruptions in Japan


Masato IGUCHI and Haruhisa NAKAMICHI

    2 2014年長野県北部の地震とその被害調査 8

Field Reconnaissance of Earthquake Disaster during 2014 Northern Nagano Earthquake


Hiroyuki GOTO and Issei DOI

    3 山梨の豪雪災害 ―その教訓は活かされるか― 16

Heavy Snowfall Disaster of February 14, 2014 in Yamanashi Prefecture ~ Lessons learned from this Disaster ~


Takeyasu SUZUKI

    4 2014年広島災害における表層崩壊の発生メカニズムと降雨閾値 24

Triggering Mechanisms and Rainfall Threshold of Shallow Landslides: Cases in the Hiroshima Disaster on 20 August 2014

    松四雄騎・渡壁卓磨・鄒 青穎・平田康人・千木良雅弘

Yuki MATSUSHI, Takuma WATAKABE, Ching-Ying TSOU, Yasuto HIRATA and Masahiro CHIGIRA

    5 2014年8月に広島で発生した土石流の流動・氾濫特性 34

Flow and Inundation Characteristics of Debris Flow Occurred in Hiroshima City on August 2014


Hiroshi TAKEBAYASHI, Masaharu FUJITA and Shinji EGASHIRA

    6 防災問題における資料解析研究(42) 40

Information Analysis in the Field of Natural Disaster Science (42)

    林 春男・矢守克也・鈴木進吾

Haruo HAYASHI, Katsuya YAMORI and Shingo SUZUKI

  7 京都大学防災研究所 平成26年度 共同研究報告 47


組織 184

 【 年報 第58号 B:DPRI Annuals No. 58 B

  1 ビジネスインパクト分析及びリスク評価の手法を取りいれた港湾物流BCP作成手法の高度化に関する研究 1

Inclusion of Business Impact Analysis and Risk Assessment for Facilitating Effectiveness of Methodology to Prepare Business Continuity Plans in the Port Logistics Sub-sector


Kenji ONO and Yasuhiro AKAKURA

  2 港湾BCPのための港湾施設の脆弱性評価手法 15

Fragility Assessment Methods of Port Facilities for Port-BCP


Yasuhiro AKAKURA and Kenji ONO

  3 大規模地震・津波後の国際海上コンテナ貨物の代替港湾の推計と港湾BCPへの適用 26

Estimation of the Alternative Port of International Maritime Container Transport after Large-scale Earthquake/Tsunami and Application to Port-BCP

  赤倉康寛・小野憲司・渡部富博・川村 浩

Yasuhiro AKAKURA, Kenji ONO, Tomihiro WATANABE and Hiroshi KAWAMURA

  4 Airborne Measurements of Volcanic Ash and Current State of Ash Cloud Prediction 35
  Jónas ELÍASSON and Junichi YOSHITANI
  5 福島原発事故に伴う放射性物質の初期拡散沈着過程把握のためのデータベース構築 ―レーダーデータを中心として― 42

Database Development for Understanding the Wet Deposition and Dispersion Processes after the Fukushima Nuclear Plant Accident -Radar Data-

  谷田貝亜紀代・寶 馨・石原正仁・石川裕彦・渡邊 明・村田健史

Akiyo YATAGAI , Kaoru TAKARA, Masahito ISHIHARA, Hirohiko ISHIKAWA, Akira WATANABE and Ken T. MURATA

  6 Seismic Observations of the Sonic Boom Produced by the Chebarkul Meteorite 47
  Masumi YAMADA and James MORI
  7 ブータン王国の国家地震観測網の構築支援 53

Design and Implementation of the National Seismic Monitoring Network in the Kingdom of Bhutan

  大見士朗・井上 公・Dowchu DRUKPA

Shiro OHMI, Hiroshi INOUE and Dowchu DRUKPA

  8 中央構造線断層帯(和泉山脈南縁)における稠密AMT観測の概要 60

Dense AMT Observations Across the Japan Median Tectonic Line Izumi Fault Zone

  大内悠平・吉村令慧・田中大資・米田 格・山崎友也

Yuhei OUCHI, Ryokei YOSHIMURA, Daisuke TANAKA, Itaru YONEDA and Tomoya YAMAZAKI

  9 近年の地殻変動連続観測データ ―顕著な歪速度の変化について― 66

Crustal Movements around the Kinki District in Recent Years

  森井 亙

Wataru MORII

  10 水準測量によって測定された桜島火山の地盤上下変動 ―2014年11月測量の結果― 70

Vertical Ground Deformation in Sakurajima Volcano Measured by Precise Leveling Survey Conducted in November 2014

  山本圭吾・吉川 慎・松島 健・大倉敬宏・横尾亮彦・井上寛之・三島壮智・内田和也・園田忠臣・関健次郎・小松信太郎・堀田耕平・藤田詩織

Keigo YAMAMOTO, Shin YOSHIKAWA, Takeshi MATSUSHIMA, Takahiro OHKURA, Akihiko YOKOO, Hiroyuki INOUE, Taketoshi MISHIMA, Kazunari UCHIDA, Tadaomi SONODA, Kenjiro SEKI, Shintaro KOMATSU, Kohei HOTTA and Shiori FUJITA




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  11 気象レーダによる桜島火山噴煙の観測 76

Weather Radar Observations of Sakurajima Volcanic Smoke

  真木雅之・井口正人・藤田英輔・三輪学央・前坂 剛・出世ゆかり・小園誠史・桃谷哲也・山路昭彦

Masayuki MAKI, Masato IGUCHI, Eisuke FUJITA, Takahiro MIWA, Takeshi MAESAKA, Yukari SHUSSE, Tomofumi KOZONO, Tatsuya MOMOTANI and Akihiko YAMAJI

  12 桜島火山におけるパーシベルによる降下火山灰の観測 86

PARSIVEL Tephra-fall Observations at Sakurajima Volcano

  小園誠史・三輪学央・眞木雅之・前坂 剛・味喜大介・井口正人

Tomofumi KOZONO, Takahiro MIWA, Masayuki MAKI, Takeshi MAESAKA, Daisuke MIKI and Masato IGUCHI

  13 パーシベルを用いた桜島産火山噴出物の落下速度に関する実験的測定 91

Experimental Measurement on Falling Velocity of Volcanic Ash from Sakurajima Volcano by Using PARSIVEL Disdrometer


Takahiro MIWA, Masayuki MAKI, Tomofumi KOZONO, Eisuke FUJITA, Toshikazu TANADA and Masato IGUCHI

  14 付加体中の低角逆断層沿いに発生した豪雨に伴う深層崩壊について 95

Rain-induced Rock Avalanches with Sliding Surfaces along a Low-angle Thrust-fault in Accretionary Complex


Noriyuki ARAI and Masahiro CHIGIRA

  15 Digital Terrain Analysis of Sea-land Combined Data on the Outer Zone of Southwest Japan Including the Nankai Trough 102
  16 熱帯季節内振動に対する冬季中高緯度大気の応答特性 116

Influence of the Tropical Intraseasonal Oscillation on the Extratropical Circulation in the Boreal Winter

  山田 賢・向川 均


  17 成層圏における惑星規模波反射現象の予測可能性 ―2014年2月の事例のアンサンブル再予報実験― 125

Predictability of the Reflection of Planetary Waves in the Stratosphere: An Ensemble Reforecast Experiment for the Event in February 2014

  野口峻佑・向川 均・黒田友二・水田 亮

Shunsuke NOGUCHI, Hitoshi MUKOUGAWA, Yuhji KURODA and Ryo MIZUTA

  18 逆転法と数値モデルによる陸上生態系からの炭素フラックスの推定値の比較 137

Comparison of Fluxes from Terrestrial Ecosystems Estimated by Synthesis Inversion Method and Process-Based Model



  19 都市近郊における大気境界層の観測 ―不安定時と中立に近い時の乱流構造の比較― 146

Observations of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer in the Suburbs of the City ― Comparison of Turbulence Structures under Unstable and Near-Neutral Conditions ―



  20 地球温暖化予測における梅雨期の降水および大気場の変化 157

Future Changes of Precipitation and Atmospheric Fields during the Baiu Season under the Global Warming

  岡田靖子・竹見哲也・石川裕彦・楠 昌司・水田 亮

Yasuko OKADA,Tetsuya TAKEMI, Hirohiko ISHIKAWA, Shoji KUSUNOKI, and Ryo MIZUTA




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  21 Application of Ensemble Typhoon Method to a Tropical Cyclone in the Bay of Bengal 162
  Sanat Kumar DAS, Tomohiro TANAKA and Hirohiko ISHIKAWA
  22 湿潤な環境下で発生する停滞性降水系の理想化数値実験 167

Numerical Experiments of Quasi-Stationary Convective Systems in Humid Environments

  鵜沼 昂・竹見哲也

Takashi UNUMA and Tetsuya TAKEMI

  23 竜巻様渦の遷移に関する数値実験 175

Numerical Simulation on the Transition of Tornado-like Vortices

  林 悠平・竹見哲也・宮本佳明

Yuhei HAYASHI, Tetsuya TAKEMI and Yoshiaki MIYAMOTO

  24 日本に近づいてから発達する台風の特徴 196

Characteristics of Typhoon Which Develops in the Vicinity of Japan Islands


Takashi NAKANO and Hirohiko ISHIKAWA

  25 建物等構造要素毎の被害評価による竜巻等の突風風速推定指標の策定 211

Formulation of Damage Indicators for Estimating Gust Wind Speed of Tornado etc. by Damage Evaluation of each Construction’s Element

  前田潤滋・丸山 敬・奥田泰雄・小林文明・松井正宏・林 泰一・野田 稔・西嶋一欽・友清衣利子・竹内 崇

Junji MAEDA, Takashi MARUYAMA, Yasuo OKUDA, Fumiaki KOBAYASHI, Masahiro MATSUI, Taiichi HAYASHI, Minoru NODA, Kazuyoshi NSHIJIMA, Eriko TOMOKIYO and Takashi TAKEUCHI

  26 ゲリラ豪雨危険性予知手法の高精度化に向けた積乱雲生成時の渦管構造の解析 221

Structural Analysis of Vortex Tubes in a Cumulonimbus Cloud at Its Developing Stage toward an Improvement of the Risk Prediction Method of Guerilla-Heavy Rainfall



  27 積乱雲の生成・発達を捉えるためのマルチセンサーによるRHI同期観測実験 232

Detection of the Storm-Genesis by RHI-scanning of Multi-Sensors

  中北英一・山口弘誠・大石 哲・大東忠保・橋口浩之・岩井宏徳・中川勝広・相馬一義・増田有俊・小川まり子・坪木和久・鈴木賢士・川村誠治・鈴木善晴

Eiichi NAKAKITA, Kosei YAMAGUCHI, Satoru OISHI, Tadayasu OHIGASHI, Hiroyuki HASHIGUCHI, Hironori IWAI, Katsuhiro NAKAGAWA, Kazuyoshi SOUMA, Aritoshi MASUDA, Mariko OGAWA, Kazuhisa TSUBOKI, Kenji SUZUKI, Seiji KAWAMURA and Yoshiharu SUZUKI

  28 Application of Flood Early Warning Using High-Resolution Ensemble Rainfall from Numerical Weather Prediction Model: Case Study of the 2013 Largest Flood Event in Japan 237
  Wansik YU, Eiichi NAKAKITA, Kosei YAMAGUCHI, Masaru KUNII, and Tsutao OIZUMI
  29 インドネシア・中央カリマンタン熱帯泥炭湿地林における地下水流動解析 246

Groundwater flow Analysis of a Tropical Peat Swamp Forest in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia

  城戸由能・神田亜希子・峠 嘉哉・北側有輝・中北英一

Yoshinobu KIDO, Akiko KANDA, Yoshiya TOUGE, Yuki KITAGAWA and Eiichi NAKAKITA

  30 地下水環境への気候変動影響のアンサンブル評価に関する研究 257

Ensemble Evaluation Method of Climate Change Impact on the Groundwater Environment


Yuki KITAGAWA, Yoshinobu KIDO and Eiichi NAKAKITA




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  31 山岳域の陸面解析における雪氷融解プロセスに関する検討 266

Study on Snow Melting Process in Land Surface Model in Mountainous Area

  峠 嘉哉・田中賢治・中北英一

Yoshiya TOUGE, Kenji TANAKA and Eiichi NAKAKITA

  32 乱流構造に基づくSGSモデルを用いた微気象場のLES計算手法の開発 272

Development of Computational Method for Large Eddy Simulation of Micrometeorological Field using Subgrid-Scale Model Based on Turbulence Structures

  井上 実

Minoru INOUE

  33 防災気象情報に対応した洪水ハザードマップの検討 283

Study on Flood Hazard Map Linked with Disaster Prevention Weather Information


Motohiro HONMA

  34 GNSSによる湾上および山岳域における水蒸気分布と豪雨に関する研究 294

Study on Relationship between Water Vapor Distribution Detected by GNSS and Severe Storm on Bays and Mountainous Area

  大石 哲・山口弘誠・小川まり子・中 大輔・林 和成・中北英一

Satoru OISHI, Kosei YAMAGUCHI, Mariko OGAWA, Daisuke NAKA, Kazushige HAYASHI and Eiichi NAKAKITA

  35 蛇かごタイプの消波工の耐波安定性について 305

Stability for Wave of Compacted Rubble Type Wave Dissipating Block



  36 田辺中島高潮観測塔における2014年夏季観測結果 315

Field Measurements at Tanabe-Nakashima Observation Tower in the Summer of 2014

  馬場康之・水谷英朗・久保輝広・内山雄介・森 信人・渡部靖憲・山田朋人・猿渡亜由未・大塚淳一・二宮順一

Yasuyuki BABA, Hideaki MIZUTANI, Teruhiro KUBO, Yusuke UCHIYAMA, Nobuhito MORI, Yasunori WATANABE, Tomohito YAMADA, Ayumi SARUWATARI, Junichi OTSUKA and Junichi NINOMIYA

  37 和歌山県富田川河口の地形変化計測 321

Measurements of Morphological Changes in Tonda River Estuary


Hideaki MIZUTANI, Yasuyuki BABA and Teruhiro KUBO

  38 鉛直分布を考慮した掃流砂観測手法の検討 332

Bedload Monitoring Method Considering Vertical Concentration Profile

  堤 大三・天野唯子・長谷川祐治・市田児太朗・野中理伸

Daizo TSUTSUMI, Yuiko AMANO, Yuji HASEGAWA, Kotaro ICHIDA and Michinobu NONAKA

  39 時間領域反射測定法を利用した流砂計測に関する実験的研究 345

A Flume Experiment on Utilizing Time Domain Reflectmetory for Bedload Monitoring


Shusuke MIYATA and Masaharu FUJITA

  40 流木の流下と橋梁への集積に関する実験 350

Experimental Study on Flow Characteristics of Driftwood and Accumulation Condition of Driftwood at Bridge






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  41 土砂災害警戒避難に影響を及ぼすハザード群に関する研究 358

A Study on Multi-Hazards Which Influences Evacuation against Sediment Disaster


Kazuki YAMANOI and Masaharu FUJITA

  42 Numerical Simulation for the Erosion and Stability of Riverbanks Subjected to Different Flood Hydrographs 365
  Ahmed ALY EL-DIEN, Hiroshi TAKEBAYASHI, and Masaharu FUJITA
  43 ネスティングモデルを用いたバングラデシュ・ジャムナ川における洪水氾濫リスク評価 377

Risk Assessment for River Flood on Jamuna River in Bangladesh Using A Nested Flood Simulation Model

  橋本雅和・川池健司・中川 一


  44 Analysis of Breach Characteristics and Equilibrium Scour Pattern for Overtopping Induced River Dyke breach 386
  Pawan Kumar BHATTARAI, Hajime NAKAGAWA, Kenji KAWAIKE and Hao ZHANG
  45 Study on Applicability of Overflow Discharge Equation Under Pressurized Flow Condition 402
  Dongwoo KO, Hajime NAKAGAWA, and Kenji KAWAIKE
  46 自律制御AUVの開発と河川流速計測の自動化に関する研究 410

Development of Autonomous Underwater Vehicle and Study on Automation of Velocity Measurement of Natural River


Taikopaul KANEKO and Michio SANJOU

  47 我が国における降水量の長期変化と極端降水量の増加 417

Long-term Variation in Precipitation and Increase in its Extreme in Japan


Shigenobu TANAKA

  48 Estimation of Habitat Potential for Ayu Fish by Analyzing Riffle Geomorphology in the Yodo River System 424
  Koji MISHIMA, Yasuhiro TAKEMON, Souhei KOBAYASHI and Tetsuya SUMI
  49 人工群知能を用いた重力ダム設計基本断面の最適化と長期ダム安定性管理への応用 433

Design Optimization of Basic Section for Gravity Dam Using Artificial Swarm Intelligence and Its Application to Long-term Management of Dam Stability

  浜口俊雄・角 哲也・田中茂信

Toshio HAMAGUCHI, Tetsuya SUMI and Shigenobu TANAKA

  50 Addressing Water Resources Regulations Policy in Zeravshan River Basin 441
  Temur KHUJANAZAROV, Yoshiya TOUGE, Ruka NAMURA, Kenji TANAKA and Shigenobu TANAKA



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  51 宇治川に優占するシマトビケラ科2種の有効積算温量の推定 ―成虫の季節消長パターンに基づく分析― 448

Estimating Effective Degree Days of 2 Hydropsychid Caddisfly Species Dominated in the Uji River Based on the Seasonal Patterns of Adult Catches

  小林草平・竹門康弘・角 哲也

Sohei KOBAYASHI, Yasuhiro TAKEMON and Tetsuya SUMI

  52 Flume Experiment on Bedload Measurement with a Plate Microphone 458

Takahiro KOSHIBA, Tetsuya SUMI, Yasuhiro TAKEMON, and Daizo TSUTSUMI

  53 気候変動を考慮したダム堆砂進行による牧尾ダムの長期的便益評価 470

Long Term Benefit Evaluation of Makio Dam Based on Reservoir Sedimentation Progress Considering Climate Change

  寺田和暉・角 哲也・竹門康弘・佐藤嘉展

Kazuki TERADA,Tetsutya SUMI,Yasuhiro TAKEMON and Yoshinobu SATO

  54 Integrated Management of Flash Flood in Wadi System of Egypt: Disaster Prevention and Water Harvesting 485
  Mohammed ABDEL-FATTAH, Sameh KANTOUSH, and Tetsuya SUMI
  55 Riverbed Management by Changing Reach Scale Channel Configuration 497
  Mikyoung CHOI, Yasuhiro TAKEMON and Tetsuya SUMI
  56 天竜川における底生無脊椎動物の生息場履歴に関する基礎的特性の把握 504

Basic Understanding of Shifting Habitat History on Macro-Invertebrates in the Tenryu River

  兵藤 誠・竹門康弘・角 哲也・鳥居高明・小林草平

Makoto HYODO, Yasuhiro TAKEMON, Tetsuya SUMI, Takaaki TORII and Sohei KOBAYASHI

  57 排砂バイパスを導入したダム下流における河床環境と底生動物群集 527

Riverbed Environment and Benthic Invertebrates in the Downstream of Dams with Sediment Bypass

  粟津陽介・小林草平・角 哲也・竹門康弘

Yosuke AWAZU, Sohei KOBAYASHI, Tetsuya SUMI and Yasuhiro TAKEMON

  58 Abrasion Damage Estimation of Sediment Bypass Tunnels: Validation and Comparison of two Prediction Models 540
  Christian AUEL, Robert M. BOES and Tetsuya SUMI



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