29th GCOE-ARS Seminar

  • Date : 29 Jun. 2012 1300 - 1500
  • Seminar
Date 29 Jun. 2012 1300 - 1500
Place HW525, Uji Research Building, Uji Campus, Kyoto University
Lecturer:Dr. Masahito Ishihara
(Associate Professor, GCOE-ARS, CPIER, Kyoto University)
“Radar Echo Population of Thunderstorms Generated on the 2008 Zoshigaya-rainstorm Day and Nowcasting of thunderstorm-induced Local Heavy Rainfalls.”
Dr. Gopi Krishna Seemala (Visiting Research Fellow, RISH, Kyoto University)
“Ionospheric TEC and scintillation studies over India and South America”