Joint Statement signed in collaboration with the Mexican National Disaster Prevention Center

  • International Exchange

The Disaster Prevention Research Institute (DPRI), Kyoto University (hereinafter referred to as “DPRI”), the Mexican National Disaster Prevention Center (hereinafter referred to as CENAPRED), the Secretary of Foreign Affairs through Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation (hereinafter referred to as AMEXCID) and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Mexico office held a Joint Statement signing ceremony at CENAPRED on November 28, 2024 (Mexico time).

With the On-Site Laboratory “International Research Laboratory for Earthquake and Tsunami Risk Cognition and Reduction”, which was approved by the Kyoto University in September 2024 as a cross-bound laboratory established within the National Autonomous University of Mexico and the Disaster Prevention Research Institute of Kyoto University, and the ongoing SATREPS project “Compound Disaster Risk Reduction associated with Large Earthquakes and Tsunamis”, the statement aims to utilize the results of international collaborative research between DPRI and Mexico for disaster risk reduction policies in Mexico, and to strengthen the network with government agencies and universities in Mexico. Vice President Yasuyuki Kono (in charge of international strategy) also attended the signing ceremony.



Signing ceremony (from left: Yasuyuki Kono, Vice-president for international strategy of Kyoto University, Tomoharu Hori, Director of DPRI, Chiaki Kobayashi, Director General of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Mexico Office, Enrique Guevara Ortiz, Director General of the National Disaster Prevention Center, and Jose Alfredo Galvan Corona, Director General of the Project Operation in Mexico, Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation, the Secretary of Foreign Affairs.



Presentation on DPRI’s activities by Director Hori


Signing ceremony



After the signing ceremony, implementation process of the Joint Statement was discussed