Congratulates to Yoshimasa Ota and Reiji Norisugi, Graduate students, DPRI, Kyoto University won the Japan Geoscience Union 2024 Student Presentation Award
- Award
Congratulations to the following graduate students of the Disaster Prevention Research Institute (DPRI), Kyoto University, Japan who won the 2024 Student Presentation Award at the Japan Geoscience Union Meeting held from 26 to 31 May 2024.
Details of the award are as follows:
Name of the Awardee: Yoshimasa Ota [Geohazard Research Division/Graduate School of Science, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences D3]
Name of the Award: Japan Geoscience Union 2024 Student Presentation Award (Earth Human Science Section)
Awarded Paper Title: Reconstruction of the long-term geomorphic development history of uplifted mountain areas: Verification based on analysis of cosmic ray-produced nuclides in sediment source and depositional areas
Award Date: 12 July 2024
Name of the Award Recipient: Reiju Norisugi [Earthquake Disaster Research Center/M1, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Graduate School of Science]
Name of the Award: Japan Geoscience Union 2024 Student Outstanding Presentation Award (Solid Earth Science Section)
Award Paper Title: Machine learning predicts earthquakes in the continuum model of a rate-and-state fault and in a meter-scale laboratory experiment
Date of Award: 12 July 2024
What is the Japan Geoscience Union Student Outstanding Presentation Award?
Eligible recipients should be students at the time of the presentation. Criterion is “focused on the individual abilities of the students, logical structure of the presentation, clarity of the research objectives and results, contribution to the development of the research field, knowledge of existing research, and emphasis on the students’ initiative.” The number of awardees is expected to be 5-10% of the total number of applicants.