A Message from the Director, Disaster Prevention Research Institute (DPRI), Kyoto University, Japan

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I am honoured to be appointed as the Director of the Disaster Prevention Research Institute (DPRI), Kyoto University as of 1 of April 2019. After graduating from the Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University and being engaged in earthquake disaster mitigation in the Geographical Survey Institute since then, I joined DPRI in April 1997. While this appointment brings with its own responsibilities and challenges, it gives me great pleasure and indebtedness to assume the role of the Directorship of DPRI, Kyoto University.


At the end of 2018, the Central Disaster Management Council of the Japan Cabinet Office, published two reports on countermeasures to earthquakes, and weather and water related disasters.


These reports highlighted a wide range of disasters occurred recently in Japan, and revealed existing defects in the Japan’s disaster prevention and mitigation measures. Currently, discussions are in progress among government and other stakeholders to foster measures against various types of large disasters, enhance promotion of disaster countermeasures, and dissemination of information to local administrations, communities and residents.


How could we contribute to this challenge?


As a leading institute in the disaster prevention and mitigation research, I believe, we should bring our resources and efforts together and engage in active dialogue with various stakeholders to contribute and shed enlightenment in these endeavours.


I would like to firmly encourage all staff members to promote our cutting-edge research in their respective fields of expertise, actively engage in expressing their opinions while enhancing the presence of the Disaster Prevention Research Institute within Japan and abroad as a leading science and technology community institute promoting disaster reduction and resilience to disasters.


While we pursue our goals, we need to be conscientious about educating the next generation.  I could see that DPRI is approaching a time of generation change too.  It is our mission to guide the younger generation and foster them to act freely and become future leaders in carrying out these tasks in an efficient manner. In this regard, I am open to hear your voice and engage in meaningful dialogue in our efforts to contribute to resilience to disasters.


To support me in my task as the Director of DPRI, Kyoto University, I have in my team, three Deputy-Directors, Prof. Hirokazu Tatano, Future Plans; Prof. Michinori Hatayama, Research and Education; Prof. Hirohiko Ishikawa, Public Relations and International Exchange; and Prof. Yoshiki Ikeda as Chairperson of the Self-Evaluation Committee.


And finally, I would like to join forces with you all in this journey and pass-on a vibrant and a leading disaster prevention research institute to the next generation.


I count on your continued support and cooperation.


Thank you.


Prof. Manabu Hashimoto
Disaster Prevention Research Institute (DPRI)
Kyoto University