
The 2nd Workshop on the Development of Integrated Disaster Reduction Systems on Compound Urban Floodings の開催

 科学技術振興調整費「都市複合空間水害の総合減災システムの開発に関する研究」(研究代表者:河田惠昭教授)によるプロジェクトの一環として,ワークショップ「The 2nd Workshop on the Development of Integrated Disaster Reduction Systems on Compound Urban Floodings」が,平成14年10月18日から19にかけて小樽ヒルトンホテルにおいて開催された.

Opening Address; Yoshiaki Kawata
Presentation1 (Chair; Tomoyuki Takahashi)
1. Investigation of Inundation into Underground Space in Urban Area; Taisuke Ishigaki
2. Risk Assessment on Storm Surge Flood; Fuminori Kato(Coast Division, National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport)
3. Physical and Numerical Study on Tsunami Inundation in Urban Seafront; Tomohiro Yasuda(Wave Division, Port and Airport Research Institute)
4. A Fundamental Study for the Flood Risk Assessment of Underground Spaces; Makoto Kaneki(Flood Disaster Prevention Division, Research Center for disaster Risk Management, National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport)
5. Development of Disaster Response Simulator - Prototype Building - (1); Haruo Hayashi
6. Development of Disaster Response Simulator - Prototype Building - (2); Mitsuhiro Higashida(Solution Business Headquarters, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone West Corporation)
7. New Approach to Disaster Reduction Systems in Urban Flooding; Yoshiaki Kawata
Presentation2 (Chair; Hironori Kawakata)
1. The Shenzhen Flood Defense System; Geng Yang(Shenzhen Water Resources Planning & Design Institute, Shenzhen, P.R. China)
2. Flood Risk Assessment in Netherlands; Sebastiaan Nicolaas Jonkman(Road and Hydraulic Engineering Division, Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management, The Netherlands)
3. Urban Flooding Modeling Approaches; Flemming Schlutter(DHI Water & Environment, Denmark)
4. Flood in Jakarta - Lessons Learnt from the 2002 Flood; Subandono Diposaptono(Coasts and Small Island, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Republic of Indonesia)
5. Levee Breach and Flood Inundation in Urban Areas - Case Studies; Jong-Tae Lee(Division of Civil & Environmental Engr., Kyonggi University, Seoul, Korea)
6. The Warning and Evacuation System in Taiwan's Flooding Management; Liang-Chun Chen(Graduate Institute of Building and Planning, National Taiwan University)
Closing Address; Yoshiaki Kawata

Technical Tours to Sapporo City Transportation Bureau; Hiroshi Okabe


(巨大災害研究センター 川方 裕則)