ユネスコ・国際地質学連合合同プロジェクト 国際地質対比計画(IGCP) No.425

ユネスコ・国際地質学連合合同プロジェクト 国際地質対比計画(IGCP) No.425

於:国連ユネスコ本部 ボンバンビル 第13会議場 



 文化遺産は、風化、侵食、人間自体による破壊などの他に、地すべり、斜面崩壊、土石流、岩盤崩落、地盤液状化、地盤の水平流動など各種の土砂災害による壊滅的な破壊の危険性に晒されているものが少なくない。世界第2位の経済大国であると共に、豪雨・地震の多発する急峻な傾斜地に1億を越える人々が居住している日本は、土砂防災の研究において、最先端の国であり、その国際貢献が強く求められている。日本、中国、カナダはこれまでに巨大地すべり災害の予知と災害予測を行うための研究を協力して行ってきた。特に中国西安市の文化遺産を危機に晒されている華清池地すべりの災害予測の研究は本研究所の文部省IDNDR特別事業によって成功を収めてきており、佐々がリーダーとなって申請したユネスコ・国際地質学連合合同プロジェクトであるIGCP(国際地質対比計画)No.425 「文化遺産および社会的価値の高い地区の地すべり災害予測と軽減」が平成10年度より開始され,15年まで実施される予定である.




会議はユネスコ本部の第13会議場で開催され,12ヶ国から33名が出席した(写真−1).オープニングセッションにおいて,ユネスコ地球科学部長のW. EDER氏,ユネスコ文化遺産部の野口英雄氏,IGCP科学委員長のE. DERBYSHIRE氏,IGCP-425リーダーの佐々が各々ユネスコ,IGCPプロジェクトの役割,IGCP-425の目的と内容について報告した.そのあと,表1のような14件のサブプロジェクトリーダーらによる研究発表及び,7件の新規サブプロジェクト申請の紹介が行われた.その後サブプロジェクト採択の投票と議論が行われ,7件とも採択された.その結果,現在IGCP-425は表−2にあるような合計24のサブプロジェクトから構成されることとなった.なお,本会議参加者には発表予稿集(ユネスコ公式資料 CLT-99/CONF.806/proceedings)が印刷され,配布された.

また,会議後にユネスコ地球科学部,文化遺産部との研究打ち合わせの中で,ユネスコと防災研究所により,「21世紀の最初の四半世紀における環境と持続できる開発のための鍵としての地すべり危険度軽減と文化・自然遺産保護のための研究の推進に関する協力」のための合意覚え書きを交わすことで合意し,覚え書きのドラフトを作成した.本年11月中旬以降に調印式を持ち,協力活動を開始すると共に,その核として国際地すべりプログラム(International Landslide Program : ILP)を創設するべく努力する予定である.


      写真−1 会議の様子


表−1  発表者およびタイトル

Landslide Hazard and Risk Assessment in Archaeological Sites

Paolo CANUTI, University of Firenze, Italy

Conservation from Rockfall of the Engraved Wall in the Fugoppe Cave, Hokkaido, Japan

Hiromitsu YAMAGISHI , Geological Survey of Hokkaido, Japan

Tadashi YASUDA , Public Consultant Co., Ltd., Japan

Hideji KOBAYASHI, Shin Engineering Co., Ltd., Japan

Geotechnical Landslide Risk Analysis around and inside some Egyptian Historical Monuments

M. Yasser EL-SHAYEB & M. Thierry VERDEL, Laboratoire Environnement, Geomechanique, et Ouvrages (LAEGO), France

Slope Stability Conditions of the Rockmass at the Foundation Areas of the Monasteries of Mount Athos, in N. Greece

Basile CHRISTARAS, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Slope Deformation and Other Geohazards Endangering the Stability of Historic Sites in the Western Carpathians

Jan VLCKO, Comenius University, Slovakia

The evaluation of the risk of deep-seated mass movements to the cultural heritage sites of Hallstatt-Dachstein / Upper Austria

Michael MOSER, University of Erlangen

Kurt A. CZURDA, Karlsruhe University, Germany

Low impact stabilization measures for the safeguard of historical hilltop towns: the case of Civita di Bagnoregio in Italy

Claudio MARGOTTINI, Italy

Landslide Risk Evaluation for the Protection of Cultural Heritage: Case of Old Quebec, Canada

Rejean COUTURE, Geological Survey of Canada

Jacques LOCAT, Laval University, Canada

Quantitative Analysis of Natural Landslide Hazards Affecting the Rocky Mountain Parks of Canada

Rejean COUTURE, Geological Survey of Canada

Stephen EVANS, Geological Survey of Canada, Canada

Oldrich HUNGR, University of British Columbia, Canada

The Present and Past Geomorphologic Hazards in The Archeological Sites of Sicily and Calabria (South Italy)


Rice-PaddyTerrace and Landslides

Toshitaka KAMAI, Nihon University, Japan

Haruo SHUZUI, Nippon Koei Co. Ltd., Japan

Development of Quantitative Prediction Models for Landslide Hazard

Andrea FABBRI, ITC, Netherlands

Chang-Jo, F. CHUNG, Geological Surevey of Canada

Research on the Slope Stability of the Block II of the Lishan Landslide, Lintong County, Xian, China (VIDEO SESSION)

QingJin YANG, Lishan Landslide Prevention & Management Office, China

Baoer SONG, Lishan Landslide Prevention & Management Office, China

Prediction of Rapid Landslide Motion for Lishan, China, Unzen, Japan

Kyoji SASSA, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan

Seismogenic Landslides and Rockfalls in the Vicinity of the Horeseman of Madara

(NE Burgaria)

Margarita MATOVA & Gueorgui FRANGOV, Geological Institute, Sofia, Bulgaria

Monitoring of a Large-Scale Landslide Threatening the Zentoku Historical Settlement in the Iya-Valley, Tokushima, Japan.

Hiroshi FUKUOKA, Kyoji SASSA, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan

Development of a Spatial Database System for Landslide Information Management and Analysis

Venkatesh RAGHAVEN, Shinji MASUMOTO, Kiyoji SHINO, Osaka City University, Japan

Takashi FUJITA, Osaka Institute of Technology, Japan

Landslide Hazard and Mitigation Measures in the Area of Medieval Citadel of Sighisoara.

Christian MARUNTEANU, University of Bucharest, Romania

Mihai COMAN, ISPIF, Romania

Guidelines for the Safeguard of Cultural Heritage against Natural Risk

Claudio MARGOTTINI, Italy

Disaster of Rock Avalanches and Landslides in Tianchi Lake Tourist Area of Changbai Mountain (Volcano), Northeast China (VIDEO SESSION)

Binglan CAO, Changchun University of Science and Technology, China

Sturzstroms in mountainous areas and associated hydrological hazards : the case of the Flims Holocene sturzstrom and Ilanz dammed lake (POSTER PRESENTAION)

Patrick WASSMER, Universite Louis Pasteur, France


表−2  IGCP-425 サブプロジェクト一覧(平成11年10月現在)

1. Research on the Slope Stability of the Block II of the Lishan Landslide, Lintong County, Xian (China)

2. The Archaeological Site of Delphi, Greece - A Site Vulnerable to Earthquakes and Landslides - (Greece)

3. Slope Stability Conditions of the Rockmass at the Foundation Areas of the Monasteries of Mount Athos, in N. Greece (Greece)

4. Conservation from Rockfall of the Engraved Wall in the Fugoppe Cave, Hokkaido (Japan)

5. Slope Deformation and Other Geohazards Endangering the Stability of Historic Sites in the Western Carpathians (Slovakia)

6. Landslide Hazard and Risk Assessment in Archaeological Sites (Italy)

7. The evaluation of the risk of deep-seated mass movements to the cultural heritage sites of Hallstatt-Dachstein / Upper Austria (Germany)

8. Geotechnical Landslide Risk Analysis around and inside some Egyptian Historical Monuments (France)

9. Landslide Hazard Assessment for the Places of Historical Heritage in the north-eastern Azov Sea coastal region (Taganrog city and the area of ancient Greek town of Tanais, Rostov district) (Russia)

10. Assessment and Mitigation of the Landslide Hazard to Cultural and Historical Monuments in the Central Russia (Russia)

11. The Present and Past Geomorphologic Hazards in The Archeological Sites of Sicily and Calabria (Italy)

12. Development of Quantitative Prediction Models for Landslide Hazard (Canada)

13. Rice-PaddyTerrace and Landslides (Japan)

14. Quantitative Analysis of Natural Landslide Hazards Affecting the Rocky Mountain Parks (Canada)

15. Protection of Inca Cultural Heritage on Landslide Zones at Cusco (Peru)

16. Landslide Risk Evaluation for the Protection of Cultural Heritage: Case of Old Quebec (Canada)

17. Prediction of Rapid Landslide Motion for Lishan, China, Unzen, Japan (Japan)

18. Seismogenic Landslides and Rockfalls in the Vicinity of the Horseman of Madara (Bulgaria)

19. Monitoring of a Large-Scale Landslide Threatening the Zentoku Historical Settlement in the Iya-Valley, Tokushima (Japan)

20. Development of a Spatial Database System for Landslide Information Management and Analysis (Japan)

21. Landslide Hazard and Mitigation Measures in the Area of Medieval Citadel of Sighisoara. (Romania)

22. Guidelines for the Safeguard of Cultural Heritage against Natural Risk (Italy)

23. Rock Slope Dilutometric Monitoring of Joints to Assess Rock Fall Risk and to Secure Places of Cultural Heritage (Czech)

24. Disaster of Rock Avalanches and Landslides in Tianchi Lake Tourist Area of Changbai Mountain (Volcano) (China)