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7.2 研究成果リスト

7.2.3 地盤災害研究部門

(A1) 完全査読論文

Kamon, M., Katsumi, T. and Sano, Y.:MSW fly ash stabilized with coal ash for geotechnical applications, Journal of Hazardous Material, Vol.76, pp.263-283, 2000.

赤井智幸,松本 哲,矢井田修,嘉門雅史:ジオシンセティック排水補強材の水理特性 (第1報)フィルターに用いる不織布と織物の開孔径,繊維機械学会誌(論文集),Vol. 53,No.9,pp.T199-T206,2000.

赤井智幸,松本 哲,矢井田修,嘉門雅史:ジオシンセティック排水補強材の水理特性 (第2報)フィルターに用いる不織布と織物の透水性,繊維機械学会誌(論文集),Vol. 53,No.11,pp.T232-T237,2000.

嘉門雅史:ジオシンセティック水平排水材による粘性土補強盛土の変形挙動,繊維学会誌,Vol. 56,No.12,pp.343-347,2000.

Ichii, K., Iai, S. and Morita, T. Performance of the quay wall with high seismic resistance, 土木学会論文集,第1部No.654/I-52(Journal of Structural Mechanics and Earthquake Engineering, JSCE, Vol.17, No.2), pp.39-50(pp.163s-174s), 2000.

Boulanger, R.W. and Iai, S.:Performance of waterfront structures, Kocaeli, Turkey, Earthquake of August 17, 1999, Reconnaissance Report, Earthquake Spectra, Supplement A to Vol.16, EERI, pp.295-310, 2000.

勝見 武,C.H. Benson, 嘉門雅史:ベントナイトを用いた遮水ライナーの耐化学性について,土と基礎,Vol.49,No. 2,pp.21-24,2001.

Kamon, M., Gu, H. and I, M.:Improvement of mechanical properties of ferrum lime stabilized soil with the addition of aluminum sludge, Material Science Research International, Vol.7, No.1, pp.47-53, 2001.

Kamon, M.:Remediation techniques by use of ground improvement, Soft Ground Technology, J.L. Hanson and R.J. Termaat (eds.), ASCE, pp.374-387, 2001.

Kamon, M., Suwa, S., Fukuda, M. and Shimonodan, T.:Required discharge capacity of PVD and its confining pressure dependency, Material Science Research International, Special Technical Publication 2, pp.17-20, 2001.

Ito, Y., Kamon, M., Nomura, T., Izuta, H. and Katanoda, E.:A new consolidation method using freezing and thawing effect, Material Science Research International, Special Technical Publication 2, pp.13-16, 2001.

Kamon, M., Mizoguchi, T. and I, M.:Traffic vibration decrement properties using lime stabilization, Material Science Research International, Special Technical Publication 2, pp.25-28, 2001.

Katsumi, T., Benson, C.H., Foose, G.J. and Kamon, M.:Performance-based design of landfill liners, Engineering Geology, Vol.60, Nos.1-4, pp.139-148, 2001.

Iai, S. and Bardet, J.P.:Plane strain instability of saturated elasto-plastic soils, Geotechnique, Vol.51, No.5, pp.389-398, 2001.

Chigira, M., Nakamoto, M., Nakata, E.:Weathering mechanisms and their effects on the landsliding of ignimbrite subject to vapor-phase crystallization in the Shirakawa pyroclastic flow, northern Japan., Engineering Geology, pp.111-125, 2002.

Chigira, M.:Geologic factors contributing to landslide generation in a pyroclastic area:August 1998 Nishigo Village, Japan., Geomorphology, pp.117-128, 2002.

目代邦康,千木良雅弘,長谷川修一:急傾斜する頁岩砂岩互層のトップリングにより出現した斜面変形 −小規模な山向き小崖とその内部地質構造−,地形,Vol.22,pp.837-8656,2001.

Chigira, M.:Micro-sheeting of granite and its relationship with landsliding specifically after the heavy rainstorm in June 1999, Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan, Engineering Geology, Vol.59, pp.219-231, 2001.

Chigira, M.:Geological structures of large landslides in Japan, Journal of Nepal Geological Society, Vol.22, pp.497-504, 2000.



Okunishi, K. and Suwa, H:Assessment of debris-flow hazards of alluvial fans, Natural Hazards, Vol.23, pp.259-269, 2001.

山越隆雄,水山高久,諏訪 浩,奥西一夫,仲野公章:焼岳上々堀沢源流域斜面における降雨流出特性の20年間の経年変化,砂防学会誌,Vol.54,No.4,pp.22-32,2001.

Yamakoshi, T. and Suwa, H.:Post-eruption characteristics of surface runoff and sediment discharge on the slope of Pyroclastic-flow deposits, Mount Unzen, Japan, Trans. Japan. Geomorph. Union, Vol.21, No.4, pp.469-497, 2000.

Lavigne, F., Thouret, J., Voight, B., Suwa, H. and Sumaryono, A.:Lahars at Merapi volcano, Central Java an overview, Journal of volcanology and geothermal research, Vol.100, pp.423-456, 2000.

Lavigne, F., Thouret, J., Voight, B., Young, K., LaHusen, R., Marso, J., Suwa, H., Sumaryono, A., Sayudi, D. and Dejean, M.:Instrumental lahar monitoring at Merapi Volcano, Central Java, Indonesia, Journal of volcanology and geothermal research, Vol.100, pp.457-478, 2000.

Sassa-K; Fukuoka-H; Shuzui-H.:Field investigation of the slope instability at Inca's world heritage, in Machupicchu, Peru, IGCP-425 Landslide hazard assessment and cultural heritage. Landslide News, Vol.13, pp.37-41, 2000.

Vankov, D.A. and K. Sassa:Mechanism of earthquake-induced landslides on almost flat slopes studied with a ring shear apparatus, Journal of Natural Disaster Science, Vol.21, No.1, pp.23-35, 2000.

Wang, F.W., K. Sassa and H. Fukuoka:Geotechnical simulation test for the Nikawa landslide induced by 1995.1.17 Hyogoken-Nambu earthquake, Soils and Foundations, Vol.40, No.1, pp.35-46, 2000.

王 功輝,佐々恭二:降雨による斜面崩壊発生時の過剰間隙水圧と崩土の運動について,地すべり,Vol.37,No.2,pp.40-47,2000.

Okada, Y., Sassa, K., & Fukuoka, H.:Liquefaction and the steady state of weathered granitic sands obtained by undrained ring shear tests, a fundamental study of the mechanism of liquidized landslides, Journal of Natural Disaster Science, Vol.22, No.2, pp.75-85, 2000.

Wang, F.W., & Sassa, K.:Relationship between grain crushing and excess pore pressure generation by sandy soils in ring-shear tests, Journal of Natural Disaster Science, Vol.22, No.2, pp.87-96, 2000.

佐々恭二,汪 発武,王 功輝:1998年福島県降雨による稗返地区高速地すべりの運動機構,土と基礎,Vol.49-7,No.522,pp.4-6,2001.

Gonghui WANG & Kyoji SASSA.:Factors affecting rainfall-induced flowslides in laboratory flume tests, Geotechnique, Vol.51, No.7, pp.587-599, 2001.

佐々恭二,汪 発武,王 功輝:1998年福島県降雨による稗返地区高速地すべりの運動機構,土と基礎,No.49-7 (522),pp.4-6,2001.

Fawu Wang, Kyoji Sassa & Gonghui Wang:Mechanism of a long-runout landslide triggered by the August 1998 heavy rainfall in Fukushima Prefecture, Japan., Engineering Geology, Vol.63, pp.169-185, 2002.

Gonghui Wang & Kyoji SASSA:Post-failure mobility of saturated sands in undrained load-controlled ring shear tests, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol.39, No.4, pp.821-837, 2002.

Kazuo Okunishi, D. E. Wall-ing and Takashi Saito:A hydrological model of the mobilisation of fine suspended sediment from slopes, Transactions, Japanese Geomor-phological Union, Vol.21, No.3, pp.243-260, 2000.

Kazuo Okunishi and Hiroshi Suwa:Assessment of debris-flow hazards of alluvial fans, Natural Hazards, Vol.23, pp.259-269, 2001.

K. Broholm, B. Nilsson, R.C. Sidle, and E. Arvin.:Transport and biodegradation of creosote compounds in clayey till, a field experiment, J. Contaminant Hydrology, Vol.41(3/4), pp.239-260, 2000.

R.C. Sidle, I. Kamil, A. Sharma and S. Yamashita:Stream response to subsidence from underground coal mining in central Utah, Environmental Geology, Vol.39(3/4), pp.279-291, 2000.

Y. Tsuboyama, R.C. Sidle, S. Noguchi, S. Murakami, and T. Shimizu.:A zero-order basin - its contribution to catchment hydrology and internal hydrological processes, Hydrol. Processes, Vol.14, pp.387-401.2000.

R.C. Sidle, Y. Tsuboyama, S. Noguchi, I. Hosoda, M. Fujieda, and T. Shimizu.:Stormflow generation in steep forested headwaters:a linked hydrogeomorphic paradigm, Hydrol. Processes, Vol.14, pp.369-385, 2000.

S. Noguchi, Y. Tsuboyama, R.C. Sidle, and I. Hosoda.:Subsurface runoff characteristics from a forest hillslope soil profile including macropores, Hitachi Ohta, Japan, Hydrol. Processes, Vol.15, pp.2131-2149, 2001.

B. Nilsson, R.C. Sidle, K.E. Klint, C.E. Bøggild, and K. Broholm.:Mass transport and scale dependent hydraulic tests in a heterogeneous glacial till - sandy aquifer system, J. Hydrology, Vol.243, pp.162-179, 2001.

R.C. Sidle, S. Noguchi, Y. Tsuboyama, and K. Laursen:A conceptual model of preferential flow systems in forested hillslopes:evidence of self-organization, Hydrol. Processes, Vol.15, pp.1675-1692, 2001.

T. Gomi, R.C. Sidle, M.D. Bryant, and R.D. Woodsmith:The characteristics of woody debris and sediment distribution in headwater streams, Southeast Alaska, Can. J. Forest Research, Vol.31, pp.1386-1399, 2001.

J.L. Orban, R.A. Kozak, R.C. Sidle and S.J.B. Duff:Assessment of relative environmental risk from logyard run-off in British Columbia, The Forestry Chronicle, Vol.78, No.1, pp.146-151, 2002.

T.Gomi, R.C. Sidle, and J.S. Richardson:Under standing processes and downstream linkages of headwater systems, BioScience, Vol.52, pp.905-916, 2002.

Kamai, T., W. N. Wangand H.Shuzui:The Landslides Disaster induced by Taiwan Chi-Chi earthquake of 21 September 1999, Landslide News No.13, pp.8-12, 2000.


(A2) 一般査読論文

Chen, G., Suwa, S., Fukuda, M., Kamon M. and Chikami, K.:Specification for evaluating the quality of PVD, Proc. International Seminar on Geotechnics in Kochi, pp.181-184, 2000.

Chung, H.I. and Kamon, M.:Sedimentation and remediation of contaminated waste slurries by electrokinetics, Proc.4th Kansai International Geotechnical Forum, pp.217-220, 2000.

Kamon, M:Ground improvement techniques, Proc. International Seminar on Geotechnics in Kochi, pp.1-12, 2000.

Kamon, M., Hartlen, J. and Katsumi, T.:Reuse of waste and its environmental impact, Proc. International Conference on Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, Vol.1, pp.1095-1123, 2000.

Kamon, M., Katsumi, T., Rajasekaran, G. and Inazumi, S.:Waste sludges utilization as landfill cover, International Conference on Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, Proc. International Conference on Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, Paper No.EG0160 on CD-ROM, 2000.

Kamon, M., Katsumi, T., Sawa, N. and Ito, K.:Minimization of heavy metal leaching effect from dredged sediments involving reclamation, Coastal Geotechnical Engineering in Practice, A. Nakase and T. Tsuchida, eds., Balkema, Rotterdam, pp.629-634, .2000

Kamon, M., Katsumi, T., Sawa, N. and Ito, K.:Minimization of heavy metal leaching effect from dredged sediments, Proc. 4th Kansai International Geotechnical Forum, pp.253-258, 2000.

Kamon, M., Rajasekaran, G. and Katsumi, T.:Role of ground improvement technology in geo - environmental engineering, Proc. Third International Conference on Ground Improvement Techniques, pp.13-36, 2000.

Kiyama, M., Kamon, M., Miura, N., Suwa S. and Fukuda, M.:History of development of prefabricated vertical drain in Japan, Proc. International Seminar on Geotechnics in Kochi, pp.141-146, 2000.

Nontananandh, S. and Kamon M.:Environmental geo-technics for utilization of wastes, Proc. 4th Kansai International Geotechnical Forum, pp.55-70, 2000.

Rajasekaran, G., Inazumi, S., Katsumi, T. and Kamon, M.:Hydraulic conductivity assessment of paper mill sludge, Proc. 4th Kansai International Geotechnical Forum, pp.137-142, 2000.

Takahashi, S., Kondo, M. and Kamon, M.:Laboratory tests on self-healing property of a geomembrane- supported geosynthetic clay liner, Proc. 4th Kansai International Geotechnical Forum, pp.131-136, 2000.

Tanaka, Y., Kamon, M., Tanaka, H., Suwa, S., Hongo, T. and Fukuda, M.:Testing method to evaluate discharge capacity of prefabricated vertical drain by soil tank, Proc. International Seminar on Geotechnics in Kochi, pp.185-190, 2000.

片野田栄一,伊藤 譲,嘉門雅史,野村忠明:凍結融解現象を利用した新圧密促進工法,第4回地盤改良シンポジウム発表論文集,日本材料学会,pp.175-182,2000.

嘉門雅史,勝見 武,遠藤和人,土居 亮:海面埋立処分場における遮水層の性能評価,第4回地盤改良シンポジウム発表論文集,日本材料学会,pp.231-238,2000.

嘉門雅史,諏訪靖二,福田光治,陳 国華:プラスチックボードドレーンの必要通水量とウェルレジスタンス,第4回地盤改良シンポジウム発表論文集,日本材料学会,pp.9-14,2000.

嘉門雅史,溝口孝芳,井 真宏:安定処理による道路交通振動緩和特性への影響,第4回地盤改良シンポジウム発表論文集,日本材料学会,pp.221-226,2000.

Mimura, M. and Sumikura, Y.:Deformation and Excess Pore water Pressure of the Pleistocene Marine Deposits due to Offshore Reclamation, Proc. Int. Symp. on Costal Geotechnical Engineering in Practice, IS-Yokohama 2000, pp.339-344, 2000.

武田弘一,三村 衛,小田和広,諏訪靖二,山本浩司,長屋淳一:大阪港埋立地における洪積層の沈下について,過圧密粘土および過圧密地盤の力学に関するシンポジウム発表論文集,pp.105-110,2000.

赤倉康寛,一井康二,高橋宏直,井合 進:都市臨海部における地震被害予測のリアルタイム地震防災への適用について,第2回リアルタイム地震防災シンポジウム論文集,土木学会,pp.85-90,2000.

Dobry, R. and Iai, S.:Recent developments in the understanding of earthquake site response and associated seismic code implementation, International Conference on Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, GeoEng2000, pp.186-219, 2000.

Iai, S. and Sugano, T.:Shake table testing on seismic performance of gravity quay walls, Proc. 12th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, CD-ROM. Paper2680, pp.1-8, 2000.

Sawada, S., Ozutsumi, O. and Iai, S.:Analysis of liquefaction induced residual deformation for two types of quay walls:analysis by FLIP, Proc. 12th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, CD-ROM, Paper2486, pp.1-8, 2000.

Ichii, K., Sato, Y., Iai, S. and Liu, H.:Evaluation of the seismic performance of gravity type quay wall using effective stress analyses, Proc. 12th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, CD-ROM, Paper1784, pp.1-8, 2000.

Ozutsumi, O., Yuu, K., Kiyama, M. and Iai, S.:Residual deformation analysis of sheet pile quay wall and backfill ground at Showa-Ohashi site by simplified method, Proc. 12th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, CD-ROM. Paper2487, pp.1-8, 2000.

Kamon, M., Katsumi, T. and Inui, T.:Environmental suitability assessment of incinerator waste ashes in geotechnical applications, Geoenvironmental Engineering, R.N. Yong and H.R. Thomas, eds., Tomas Telford, pp.21-26, 2001.

Kamon, M., Katsumi, T., Jian, W., Inui, T., Kanayama, M. and Morimoto, T.:Evaluation of landfill stability relating to clay liners, 第4回環境地盤工学シンポジウム発表論文集, 地盤工学会, pp.297-302, 2001.

Kamon, M., Katsumi, T., Zhang, H., Sawa, N. and Rajasekaran, G.:Redox effect on hydraulic conductivity and heavy metal leaching from marine clay, Clay Science for Engineering, K. Adachi and M. Fukue, eds., Balkema, Rotterdam, pp.505-510, 2001.

Kamon, M. and Yokouchi, N.:Landfill islands project for creating new environment, Proc. 2nd Civil Engineering Conference in the Asia Region, ACECC, pp.235-242, 2001.

Kamon, M., Zhang, H. and Katsumi, T.:Redox effect on attenuation of heavy metals in landfill site, 第4回環境地盤工学シンポジウム発表論文集,地盤工学会,pp.345-350,2001.

Minase, M., Kondo, M. and Kamon, M.:Evaluation of permeability of bentonite mud cake, Clay Science for Engineering, K. Adachi and M. Fukue, eds., Balkema, Rotterdam, pp.267-273, 2001.

勝見 武,鬼形正伸,長谷川真也,Ling-Chu Lin, 嘉門雅史,近藤三二:改質ベントナイトの無機化学物質溶液に対する遮水性能と廃棄物処分場遮水工への適用性,第4回環境地盤工学シンポジウム発表論文集,地盤工学会,pp.315-320,2001.

嘉門雅史,稲積真哉,勝見 武,乾 徹:汚泥を用いた処分場カバーシステムの降雨遮水予測,第4回環境地盤工学シンポジウム発表論文集,地盤工学会,pp.337-344,2001.

嘉門雅史,乾 徹,遠藤和人,伊藤圭二郎,勝見 武:遮水シートの損傷を考慮した廃棄物処分場遮水工の性能評価,第4回環境地盤工学シンポジウム発表論文集,地盤工学会,pp.273-278,2001.

嘉門雅史,遠藤和人,小林誠司,勝見 武:DNAPL浸透におけるk-S-p relationsの実験的検討,第4回環境地盤工学シンポジウム発表論文集,地盤工学会,pp.233-238,2001.

嘉門雅史,勝見 武,遠藤和人,伊藤圭二郎,土居 亮:矢板式遮水構造を有する海面埋立処分場の性能評価,第4回環境地盤工学シンポジウム発表論文集,地盤工学会,pp.279-284,2001.

嘉門雅史,溝口孝芳,井 真宏:石灰系安定処理による道路交通振動緩和特性,第4回環境地盤工学シンポジウム発表論文集,地盤工学会,pp.129-132,2001.

Kamon, M. and Katsumi, T.:Clay liners for waste landfill, Clay Science for Engineering, K. Adachi and M. Fukue, eds., Balkema, Rotterdam, pp.29-48, 2001.

Kamon, M and Jang, Y.-S.:Solution scenarios of geo-environmental problems, Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, S.W. Hong et al., eds., Balkema, pp.833-852, 2001.

Kiku, H., Ishihara, K., Kanatani, M. Mimura, M. and Morimoto, I.:The change of waterline and water depth at Izmit Bay due to 1999 Kocaeli Earthquake in Turkey, Proc. 4th Int. Conf. On Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, Paper No. 10.35 in CD-ROM, 2001.

Mimura, M. and Suzaki, T.:Liquefaction assessment for natural sandy deposits with cone tests, Proc. Int. Conf. On In-situ Measurement of Soil Properties and Case Histories, pp.455-460, 2001.

Karthkeyan, M., Dasari, G.R., Tan, T.S., Lam, P.W. and Mimura, M. Characterization of a reclaimed land site in Singapore, Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on Soft Soil Engineering, pp.587-592, 2001.

Matsui, T., Mimura, M., Oda, K., Takeda, K., Suwa, S. and Yamamoto, K.:Settlement behavior of Pleistocene marine clay deposits due to reclamation in Osaka Bay, Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on Soft Soil Engineering, pp.429-434, 2001.

三村 衛,小田和広,武田弘一,山本浩司,藤原照幸:大阪湾擬似過圧密洪積粘土の圧縮特性と長期沈下について,第46回地盤工学シンポジウム発表論文集,pp.99-102,2001.

Yokota, H., Iai, S. and Yamamoto, S.:Performance - based seismic design for port structures, International Conference on Safety, Risk and Reliability-Trends in Engineering, IABSE, pp.197-202, 2001.

Iai, S.:Recent studies on seismic analysis and design of retaining structures, State-of-the-art, Proc. 4th International Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, CD-ROM, Paper SOAP-4, pp.1-28, 2001.

Ozutsumi, O. and Iai, S.:Adjustment method of the hysteresis damping for multiple shear spring model, Proc. 4th International Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics CD-ROM, Paper 1.68, pp.1-8, 2001

Miwa, S., Nozu, M., Ozutsumi, O., Iai, S., Yashima, A. and Yasuda, S.:Effective stress analysis for evaluating the effect of the sand compaction pile method during the 1995 Hyogoken-Nambu earthquake, Proc. 4th International Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics CD-ROM, Paper 4.42, pp.1-8, 2001.

龍田昌毅,井合 進,小堤 治,溜 幸生,山本祐司,酒井久和,足立雅樹,金子浩士,森 浩章:有効応力解析プログラム「FLIP」による地盤の初期応力条件を考慮した矢板式岸壁の地震応答解析,第46回地盤工学シンポジウム発表論文集,pp.13-18,2001.

三輪 滋,岡 由剛,中山裕章,石倉克真,平岡慎司,松田英一,吉田 晃,井合 進,小堤 治,森 浩章:初期応力状態を考慮したモデル化による鋼矢板岸壁の被災事例の有効応力解析,第46回地盤工学シンポジウム,平成13年度論文集,pp.19-24,2001.

佐藤 成,亀山和弘,大塚夏彦,森 浩章,小堤 治,井合 進,安田 進:非排水有効応力地震応答解析における捨石材のモデル化に関する検討,第46回地盤工学シンポジウム,平成13年度論文集,pp.25-30,2001.

小堤 治,井合 進,島津多賀夫,三輪 滋,中山裕章,溜 幸生,沢田俊一,竹島康人,森 浩章:変相線を越えた応力空間における塑性せん断仕事の負のダイレタンシーへの寄与について,第46回地盤工学シンポジウム,平成13年度論文集,pp.83-88,:2001.

井合 進,竹島康人,沢田俊一,杉山 弥,小堤 治:河川堤防を対象とした地震時変形解析の適用事例,第46回地盤工学シンポジウム,平成13年度論文集,pp.89-94,2001.

Suwa, H., Yamakoshi, T. and Sato, K.:Relationship between debris-flow discharge and ground vibration, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Debris-Flow Hazards Mitigation, pp.311-318, 2000.

Suwa H. and Yamakoshi, T.:Estimation of debris-flow motion by field survey, Debris-Flow Hazards Mitigation, Balkema, Estimation of debris-flow motion by field survey, Debris-Flow Hazards Mitigation, Balkema, pp.293-299, 2000.

Sassa, K.:Mechanism of flows in granular soils. Invited paper. Proc. GeoEng2000, Melbourne, Vol.1, pp.1671-1702, 2000.

Wang, G. H., Sassa, K. Fukuoka, H & Wang, F. W.:Study on the excess pore pressure generation in laboratory-Induced-landslides. Proc. 8th Congr. Int’l Assoc. Engrg. Geol. and the Environ., "Engineering Geology" (Editor:Moore ad Hungr), Balkema, Vol. 6, pp.4237-4244, 2000.

Wang, G.H. & K. SASSA.:Effects of grain size on sliding surface liquefaction behavior of sands based on ring shear tests. “Landslides in Research, Theory and Practice”, Proceedings of 8th international Symposium on Landslides (edited by Eddie Bromhead, Neil Dixon and Maia-Laura Ibsen). Cardiff, Wales, UK, Vol. 3, pp.1539-1544, 2000.

Wang, F.W., G.H. Wang and K. SASSA.:Mechanism of a long run-out landslide triggered by the August 1998 heavy rainfall in Fukushima Prefecture. “Landslides in Research, Theory and Practice”, Proceedings of 8th international Symposium on Landslides (edited by Eddie Bromhead, Neil Dixon and Maia-Laura Ibsen). Cardiff, Wales, UK, Vol. 3, pp.1532-1538, 2000.

Furuya, G., K. Sassa and H. Fukuoka.:Monitoring of slope deformation in Lishan Landslide, Xi'an, China. Proc. 8th Int'l Symp.on Landslides, Thomas Telford "Landslides in research, theory and practice, " Vol.1, pp.591-596, 2000.

Hiura, H., G. Furuya, H. Fukuoka and K. Sassa.:Investigation of the groundwater distribution in a crystalline schist landslide Zentoku, Shikoku Island, Japan. Proc. 8th Int'l Symp.on Landslides, Thomas Telford "Landslides in research, theory and practice, " Vol.1, pp.719-724, 2000.

Okada, Y., K. Sassa and H. Fukuoka.:Excess pore pressure generation of sandy soil during shearing. Proc. 8th Int'l Symp.on Landslides, Thomas Telford "Landslides in research, theory and practice, " Vol.3, pp.1147-1152, 2000.

Vankov, D.A. and K. Sassa.:Possibility of analysis of landslide's background by application of energy approach to particle crushing. Proc. 8th Int'l Symp.on Landslides, Thomas Telford "Landslides in research, theory and practice, " Vol.3, pp.1509-1514, 2000.

Gonghui Wang & Kyoji Sassa.:Undrained shear behavior of silty soils in ring-shear tests. Proceedings of GeoEng 2000, Melbourne, Australia. Volume 2, extended Abstract, p.117 (full paper available on CD-ROM), 2000.

Gonghui Wang & Kyoji SASSA.:Examining the undrained localized shearing behavior of silty soils for landslides based on ring shear tests. Fourteenth Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference, 10-14 December 2001, Hong Kong, pp.929-934, 2001.

Gonghui Wang & Kyoji Sassa .:Fluidization behavior of silty soils in the shear zone based on ring shear tests. Proceedings of the fourth international conference on recent advances in geotechnical earthquake engineering and soil dynamics, San Diego, California Paper No.4-37. March26-31, 2001 (full paper available on CD-ROM)

福岡 浩:GPS等を用いた地すべり地の移動観測(その1),地すべり技術Vol.27,No.3,2000,pp.28―34.

Sassa, k., Fukuoka, H., Kamai, T., and Shuzui, H.:Landslide Risk at Inca’s World Heritage in Machu Picchu, Peru. Landslide Risk Mitigation and Protection of Cultural and Natural Heritage (Sassa ed.). Proc. UNESCO/IGCP Symp., 15-19 January 2001, Tokyo, pp.1-14, 2001.

Sassa, k., Fukuoka, H., Wang, G., Wang, F., and Furuya, G.:Pilot study of landslide hazard assessment in the Imperial Resort Palace (Lishan), Xi’an, China. Landslide Risk Mitigation and Protection of Cultural and Natural Heritage (Sassa ed.). Proc. UNESCO/IGCP Symp., 15-19 January 2001, Tokyo, pp.15-34, 2001.

K. Sassa, G. H. Wang, H. Fukuoka, D. Vankov, and Y. Okada.:Evaluation of dynamic shear characteristics in landslides. Proceedings of the International Conference on Landslides - Causes, Impacts and Countermeasures. June 2001, Davos, Switzerland, pp.305-318, 2001.

佐々恭二,北川隆司,福岡 浩,落合博貴,井口 隆,藤田 崇,小宮山賢太郎,王 功輝:平成13年3月24日芸予地震による斜面災害軽減対策に関する緊急調査結果報告(速報). 地すべり,Vol.38(1),78-84,2001.

Sassa, K., Wang, G., Fukuoka, H.:Mechanism of transition from slide to flow in granular soils. Proc. ISSMGE TC-11 (Landslides) & ATC-9, Trabzon, Turkey, pp.1-19, 2001.

Sassa, K., Fukuoka, H., and Kamai, T.:Inca’s World Heritage “Machu Picchu” at Landslide Risk. Proc. ISSMGE TC-11 (Landslides) & ATC-9, Trabzon, Turkey, pp.259-272, 2001.

Fukuoka, H., Y. Tamari, G. Furuya, H. Fujikawa:Application of Realtime Kinematic GPS to Landslide Monitoring. ISSMGE TC-11 (Landslides) Proceedings of Conference on Transition from Slide to Flow - Mechanisms and Remedial Measures -, 25-26 August 2001, Trabzon, Turkey, pp.211-220, 2001.

Sassa, k. (editor.):Landslide Risk Mitigation and Protection of Cultural and Natural Heritage. Proc. UNESCO/IGCP Symp., 15-19 January 2001, Tokyo.268p, 2001.

Sassa, K., Fukuoka, H., and Kamai, T.:Inca’s World Heritage “Machu Picchu” at Landslide Risk. Proc. ISSMGE TC-11 (Landslides)&ATC-9, Trabzon, Turkey, pp.259-272, 2001.

K. Sassa, G. H. Wang, H. Fukuoka, D. Vankov, and Y. Okada:Evaluation of dynamic shear characteristics in landslides. Proceedings of the International Conference on Landslides - Causes, Impacts and Countermeasures. June 2001, Davos, Switzerland, pp.305-318, 2001.

福岡 浩:GPS等を用いた地すべり地の移動観測(その2),地すべり技術,Vol.27,No.4,2001,pp.24-31,2001. 福岡 浩:GPS等を用いた地すべり地の移動観測(その3),地すべり技術,Vol.28,No.1,2001,pp.14-21,2001.

Sassa, K.:Mechanism of Rapid and Long Traveling Flow Phenomena in Granular Soils. Proceedings of International Symposium on Landslide Risk Mitigation and Protection of Cultural and Natural Heritage. 21-25 January 2002, Kyoto, Japan, pp.11-29, 2002.

Wang, G., and Sassa, K.:Pore pressure generation and motion of rainfall-induced landslides in laboratory flume tests. Proceedings of International Symposium on Landslide Risk Mitigation and Protection of Cultural and Natural Heritage. 21-25 January 2002, Kyoto, Japan, pp.45-60, 2002.

F.W. Wang, K. Sassa, T. Okuno, T. Matsumoto, T. Yamakami, Y. Kikuno:Experimental study on mechanism of flowslides induced by seismic loading through shaking table tests. Proceedings of International Symposium on Landslide Risk Mitigation and Protection of Cultural and Natural Heritage. 21-25 January 2002, Kyoto, Japan, pp.73-84, 2002.

Konagai, K., Johansson, J., Marorca, P., Yamamoto, T., Miyajima, M., Uzuoka, R., Pulido, Nelson E., Duran Freddy C., Sassa, K., Fukuoka, H.:Landslides caused by the January 23, off the Coast of El Salvador Earthquake. Proceedings of International Symposium on Landslide Risk Mitigation and Protection of Cultural and Natural Heritage. 21-25 January 2002, Kyoto, Japan, pp.139-154, 2002.

Okada, Y., Sassa, K., Fukuoka, H.:Pore pressure behavior within shear zone in sandy soils by means of ring shear tests. Proceedings of International Symposium on Landslide Risk Mitigation and Protection of Cultural and Natural Heritage. 21-25 January 2002, Kyoto, Japan, pp.203-210, 2002.

F.W. Wang, T. Matsumoto, Y. Kikuno, T. Yamakami, K. Sassa, T. Okuno:Experimental study on mechanisms of flowslides induced by rainfall through flume tests. Proceedings of International Symposium on Landslide Risk Mitigation and Protection of  Cultural and Natural Heritage. 21-25 January 2002, Kyoto, Japan, pp.211-219, 2002.

Greif, V., Sassa, K., and Fukuoka, H.:Bitchu-Matsuyama castle rock slope monitoring and failure mechanism analysis using distinct element method. Proceedings of International Symposium on Landslide Risk Mitigation and Protection of Cultural and Natural Heritage. 21-25 January 2002, Kyoto, Japan, pp.329-338, 2002.

Youn, H., Fukuoka, H., Greif, V., Tamari, Y., and Sassa, K.:Estimation of temperature change component in monitoring data of rock slope movement. Proceedings of International Symposium on Landslide Risk Mitigation and Protection of Cultural and Natural Heritage. 21-25 January 2002, Kyoto, Japan, pp.459-468, 2002.

Sassa, K., Fukuoka, H., Shuzui, H., Hoshino, M.:Landslide risk evaluation in the Machu Picchu world heritage. Proceedings of International Symposium on Landslide Risk Mitigation and Protection of Cultural and Natural Heritage. 21-25 January 2002, Kyoto, Japan, pp.469-488, 2002.

Shoaei, Z., Sassa, K.:The effects of different direction of earthquake acceleration on slope instability due to the generated pore pressure on saturated soil. Proceedings of International Symposium on Landslide Risk Mitigation and Protection of Cultural and Natural Heritage. 21-25 January 2002, Kyoto, Japan, pp.661-690, 2002.

古谷 元,竹内篤雄,Z.ショアエイ,J.ゲヨミアン,田中英幸:イラン北西部の地すべり地における1m深地温探査法による地下水脈の推定,応用地質,pp.66-73,2002.

R.C. Sidle.:Watershed challenges for the 21st century:a global perspective for mountainous terrain, Proceedings RMRS-P-13, USDA Forest Serv., Rocky Mountain Res. Station, Fort Collins, Colorado, pp.45-56, 2000.

R.C. Sidle:Forestry practices in steep terrain:implications for floods, landslides, and related natural hazards, In:Proc. of International Conference on Socio-economic Strategies for Central Vietnam at the Dawn of the Twenty-first Century, pp.225-230, 2000.

R.C. Sidle:Forestry Practices and Erosion Processes -Truths, Myths and Uncertainties, Proc. of International Symp.on Erosion Management, Taiyuan, China, April, pp.26-30, 2001.

R.C. Sidle:The role of forests in enhancing slope stability, In:Multiple Functions and Benefits of Forests in Taiwan. Research Center for Conservation of Water Resources and Disaster Prevention, National Chung-Hsing Univ., Taichung, Taiwan, pp.53-64, 2001.

Kamai, T. and K.Kobayashi:Earthquake risk assessments of fill-slope instability in urban residential areas in Japan, Landslides in research, theory and practice (Proc. 8th Int. Symp. Landslide), pp.565-570, 2000.

Kamai, T. and H.Shuzui:Slope instability mapping and design of landslide protection work for conservation of mountainous paddy fields in central Japan, Proc. UNESCO/IGCP Symp. Landslide Risk Mitigation and Protection of Cultural and Natural Heritage, pp.155-163, 2001.

Kamai, T. and H.Shuzui:Long-traveling landslide on Enperor’s tomb mound of 6th century, Proc. Int. Symp. Landslide Risk Mitigation and Protection of Cultural and Natural Heritage, pp.233-244, 2001.

(A3) アブストラクト査読論文

Suwa, H.:Is it possible to monitor the stage of debris-flow occurrence from glaciers, Proc. Inter. Workshop on Debris Flow Monitoring, Federal Office for Water and Geology of Swiss National Hydrological Survey in Bern-Ittigen, Switzerland, pp.22-25, 2001.

Gonghui Wang & Kyoji Sassa:Ring shear tests on mixtures of fine sand and loess. Forests and Society:The Role of Research, “POSTER ABSTRA CTS”, Proceedings of XXI IUFRO World Congress, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Vol.3, pp.464-465, 2000.

Fawu Wang & Kyoji Sassa:A modified Geotechnical Simulation Model for the Quasi-three Dimensional Prediction of Landslide Motion. The Role of Research, “POSTER ABSTRACTS”, Proceedings of XXI IUFRO World Congress, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Vol. 3, pp.464-465, 2000.

Gonghui Wang & Kyoji Sassa:Role of fines in the initiation and motion of fluidization landslides based on ring-shear tests. “Geophysical Research Abstracts”, 25th General Assembly of European Geophysical Society, Vol. 2, 2000, NH 7.01, 2000.

奥西一夫,諏訪 浩,斉藤隆志:水文地形プロセスとしての山地からの物質生産,月刊海洋,32(3),pp.138-144,2000.

S. Noguchi, Y. Tsuboyama, R.C. Sidle, T. Kubota, and M. Fujieda:Spatial distribution of soil moisture in a small forested catchment. 111th Ann., Meeting of the Japanese Forestry Society, p.364(abstract, in Japanese), 2000.

H. Elsenbeer and R. Sidle:Hydrological flow-paths and water chemistry in key forested environments. In:Forests and Society:The Role of Research, Vol. 1:4, Proc. XXI IUFRO World Congress, Federal Forest Res. Inst., Vienna, Austria., 2000.

R.C. Sidle and K.F.A. Lo.:Effects of forestry activities on surface erosion and slope stability. In:Forests and Society:The Role of Research, vol. 1, Proc. XXI IUFRO World Congress, Federal Forest Res. Inst., Vienna, Austria.pp.5-6, 2000.

R.C. Sidle and T. Gomi:Interactions of woody debris and sediment in headwater channels of coastal Alaska.:In:Forests and Society:The Role of Research, vol. 2, Proc. XXI IUFRO World Congress, Federal Forest Res. Inst., Vienna, Austria, pp.336, 2000.

S. Noguchi, Y. Tsuboyama, R.C. Sidle, T. Kubota, T. Tsurita, and M. Fujieda.:Spatial distribution of surface soil moisture in a small forested catchment., EOS Trans., Am. Geophys. Union 81(48), 2000.

A. S. Dhakal, R.C. Sidle, and W. Wu.:Hydrologic integration of forest roads for distributed slope stability model., EOS Trans., Am. Geophys. Union 81(48), F487, 2000.

T. Gomi, R.C. Sidle, R.D. Woodsmith, and M.D. Bryant.:Channel steps and reach morphology in headwater streams of southeast Alaska., EOS Trans., Am. Geophys. Union, 2001.

R.C. Sidle, Y. Tsuboyama, and S. Noguchi:Hydrogeomorphic characterization of forest catchment response (invited poster)., EOS Trans., Am. Geophys. Union, 2001.

R.C. Sidle, Y. Tsuboyama, and S. Noguchi.:Quantification of the hydrogeomorphic concept of stormflow generation in headwater streams:a first approximation.:EOS Trans., Am. Geophys. Union., 2001.

A.S. Dhakal and R.C. Sidle.:Distributed and dynamic modeling of landslides related to forest management, Symposium on Small Stream Channels and their Riparian Zone, Feb. 19-20, Univ. of British Columbia, Vancouver, pp.35, 2002.

Kamai, T. and H.Shuzui:Earthquake-induced landslide on Enperor’s tomb mound of 6th century, Proc. Field Workshop on Landslides and Natural/Cultural Heritages in Turkey, pp.237-246, 2001.

(B) 解説・総説


嘉門雅史:地盤改良技術と環境保全 1. 地盤改良と環境問題総論,材料,Vol.49,No.8,pp.948-954,2000.



嘉門雅史,勝見 武:固体系廃棄物の地盤工学的有効利用と環境影響の概況,廃棄物学会誌,Vol.12,No.3,pp.140-149,2001.


Suwa, H.:The 1984 earthquake-induced landslides and the debris avalanche at Mount Ontake, Field Excursion guide-Book B4 of 5th Inter. Conf. on Geomorphology, pp.37-54, 2001.

諏訪 浩:バルチスタン地方の斜面災害環境,ヒマラヤン・グリーンクラブ,8,pp.25-28,2000.

諏訪 浩:土石流の観測事例,地盤工学会誌,Vol. 48,No.7,pp.41-46,2000.

(C) 著書


井合 進(分担執筆),岩田好一郎,他著:海岸施設の耐震設計,海岸施設設計便覧2000年版の内,第2章海岸の水理と環境,2.11地震時の構造物の挙動,第5章設計,5.2.4地震および地震力,5.2.5土質および土圧・水圧,土木学会,pp.117-119,p.313-318,p.318-319,2000.

嘉門雅史,三村 衛(分担執筆):防災学ハンドブック,朝倉書店,2001.

Iai, S. (主査および分担執筆), Iai, S., Bernal, A., Blazquez, R., Burcharth, H.F., Dickenson, S.E., Ferritto, J., Finn, W.D.L., Ichii, K., McCullough, N.J., Meeuwissen, P.W.H., Memos, C.D., Priestley, M.J.N., Silvestri, F., Simonelli, A.L., Steedman, R.S., Sugano, T.:Seismic Design Guidelines for Port Structures, International Navigation Association (PIANC)の内, Chapter 1 Introduction, Chapter 2 Earthquakes and Port Structures, Chapter 3 Design Philosophy, Chapter 4 Damage Criteria, Chapter 5 Seismic Analysis, TC1 Existing codes and guidelines, TC2 Case Histories, TC7 Analysis Methods, Balkema, pp.3-6, pp.7-22, pp.23-30, pp.31-54, pp.55-76, pp.77-89, pp.91-126, pp.307-369, 2001.

千木良雅弘:群発する崩壊-花崗岩と火砕流-,未来社,228p, 2002.


Kanaori, Y., Tanaka, K., and Chigira, M. eds.:Engineering Geological Advances in Japan for the New Millennium. Developments in Geotechnical Engineering, Elsevier., 350p, 2000.


Kyoji Sassa (Editor):Landslide Risk Mitigation and Protection of Cultural and Natural Heritage. Proceedings of UNESCO/IGCP Symposium, 15-19 January 2001, Tokyo, Japan, p.267, 2001.

Kyoji Sassa (Editor)):Proceedings of International Symposium on Landslide Risk Mitigation and Protection of Cultural and Natural Heritage. 21-25 January 2002, Kyoto, Japan, p.750, 2002.


奧西一夫,杉本隆成,諏訪 浩:山地・河川・海岸を通じての物質輸送に関する環境・防災科学的研究,京都大学防災研究所(共同利用研究成果12G-9),p.27,2001.

奧西一夫,諏訪 浩,釜井俊孝,齋藤隆志,田美恵子:急傾斜地災害に対するエネルギー輸送ラインの安全性確保に関する研究,自費出版,p.50,2002.

奧西一夫,諏訪 浩,水山高久,沖村 孝,目崎茂和,池田 碩,森 和紀:中国四川省深山の景勝地九寨溝における環境動態研究,自費出版,p.56,2002.

R.C. Sidle (editor):Environmental Change and Geomorphic Hazards in Forests, IUFRO Research Series, No.9, AB International Publishing, Oxen, UK, p.241, 2002.

R.C. Sidle and W. Wu.:Evaluation of the Temporal and Spatial Impacts of Timber Harvesting on Landslide Occurrence. In:M.S. Wigmosta and S.J. Burges (eds.) Land Use and Watersheds:Human Influence on Hydrology and Geomorphology in Urban and Forest Areas. Water Science and Application Vol. 2, American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C., pp.179-193, 2001.

R.C. Sidle:Geomorphologic Hazards and Forest Environmental Change - an Introduction. In:R.C. Sidle (ed.) Environmental Change and Geomorphic Hazards in Forests, IUFRO Research Series, No.9, CAB International Press, Oxen, UK., pp.1-6, 2002.

R.C. Sidle and A.S. Dhakal:Potential Effects of Environmental Change on Landslide Hazards in Forest Environments. In:R.C. Sidle (ed.) Environmental Change and Geomorphic Hazards in Forests, IUFRO Research Series, No. 9, CAB International Press, Oxen, UK., pp.123-165, 2002.

R.C. Sidle:Future Directions for Geomorphologic Hazard Analysis in Forests. In:R.C. Sidle (ed.) Environmental Change and Geomorphic Hazards in Forests, IUFRO Research Series, No. 9, CAB International Press, Oxen, UK., pp.227-234, 2002.



(D) 紀要・報告書

Kamon, M., Katsumi, T., Inazumi, S. and Rajasekaran, G.:Effect of landfill cover system on water interception, 京都大学防災研究所年報,No.43 B-2,pp.463-472,2000.

嘉門雅史,勝見 武,澤 直樹,張 虎元,G. Rajasekaran:粘土ライナーの性能に及ぼす酸化還元電位の影響,京都大学防災研究所年報,No.43 B-2,pp.473-484,2000.

嘉門雅史,勝見 武,金山政民,森本哲夫:管理型廃棄物処分場の構造安定性について,京都大学防災研究所年報,No.43 B-2,pp.485-495,2000.

嘉門雅史,遠藤和人,勝見 武,土居 亮:汚染土処分地の環境影響評価について,京都大学防災研究所年報,No.43 B-2,pp.497-513,2000.

Rajasekaran, G., Kamon, M., Katsumi, T. and Inazumi, S.:Evaluation of waste sludge as landfill cover material, 京都大学防災研究所年報, No.43 B-2, pp.515-523, 2000.

Lin, L., Katsumi, T., Kamon, M., Benson, C.H., Onikata, M. and Kondo, M.:Evaluation of chemical-resistant bentonite for landfill barrier application, 京都大学防災研究所年報, No.43 B-2, pp.525-533, 2000.

Kamon, M., Zhang, H. and Katsumi, T.:Microbial redox effects on the attenuation of Fe and Zn in landfill leachate plume, 京都大学防災研究所年報,No.44 B-2,pp.103-116,2001.

Kamon, M., Jian, W., Inui, T., Katsumi, T., Kanayama, M. and Morimoto, T.:Suitability assessment of two landfill clay liners, 京都大学防災研究所年報,No.44 B-2, pp.117-127, 2001.

Kamon, M., Inazumi, S., Katsumi, T. and Inui, T.:Long-term hydraulic conductivity and consolidation behavior of compacted sludges using geotechnical centrifuge, 京都大学防災研究所年報,No.44 B-2, pp.129-140, 2001.

嘉門雅史,伊藤 譲,片野田栄一:凍結融解現象を利用した圧密促進工法に関する実験,京都大学防災研究所年報,No.44 B-2,pp.141-148.,2001.

Kamon, M., Jeoung, J.-H., Boutouil, M. and Inui, T.:Geo-environmental assessment on the sludge treated with low alkaline additives, 京都大学防災研究所年報, No.44 B-2, pp.149-154, 2001.

嘉門雅史,乾 徹,遠藤和人,伊藤圭二郎,勝見 武:管理型海面埋立処分場における遮水工の有害物質遮蔽性能の評価,京都大学防災研究所年報,No.44 B-2,pp.155-169,2001.

Kamon, M. Endo, K. and Katsumi, T.:Influence of dense non-aqueous phase liquids properties and geotechnical conditions on the migration processes in sandy media, 京都大学防災研究所年報,No.44 B-2, pp.171-184, 2001.

Bardet, J. P., T. Tobita, K. Ichii, and A. Rogers:Site response analysis at the vertical arrays of the Cerritos College Police Station and San Bernadino Main Fire Station, A report to USGS on Collaborative Research between Georisk Associates, Inc. and the University of Southern California, 2001.

Bardet, J. P., T. Tobita:A computer program for Nonlinear Earthquake site Response Analyses of layered soil deposits (NERA), A report to University of Southern California, Civil Engineering Department, 2001.

Kazuo Okunishi, Makoto Musashino and Mieko Sonoda:A Preliminary report on the landslides and other ground surface movements induced by 1999 Chichi earthquake, Taiwan, Annuals of the Disas. Prev. Res. Inst., Kyoto Univ., No. 43 B-1, pp.161-168, 2002.

諏訪 浩,奥西一夫:平成12年度焼岳土石流観測および解析,建設省松本砂防工事事務所技術資料,No.27,p.77,2000.

諏訪 浩,奥西一夫:平成13年度焼岳土石流観測および解析,建設省松本砂防工事事務所技術資料,No.28,p.93,2001.

Gonghui Wang & Kyoji Sassa:Fluidization Behavior of Sands Based on Ring Shear Tests - Effects of Grain Size and Fine-Particle Content. Annuals of the Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, No.43 B-1, pp.141-160, 2000.

Fawu Wang & Kyoji Sassa:A Modified Geotechnical Simulation Model for the Areal Prediction of Landslide Motion. Annuals of the Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, No.43 B-1, pp.129-139, 2000.

Greif, V., Sassa, K., and Fukuoka, H.:Failure and triggering mechanism analysis of the Bitchu-Matsuyama castle rock using distinct element method. Annuals of the Disaster Prevention Research Institute Kyoto University, Vol. 44, pp.7-14, 2001.

Trandafir, A.C., Sassa, K. and Fukuoka, H.:A computational method for residual excess pore pressure response in sand under cyclic loading. Disaster Prevention Research Institute Annuals, Kyoto University, No.45 B, pp.61-69, 2002.

Gonghui Wang & Kyoji Sassa:Experimental Study on the Shearing Behavior of Saturated Sandy Silts Based on Ring Shear Tests, Annuals of the Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, No.44 B-1, pp.15-24, 2001.

Hiura, H., G. Furuya, H. Fukuoka, and K. Sassa:Investigation of the Groundwater Distribution in a Crystalline Schist Landslide Zentoku, Shikoku Island, Japan, General Joint Research Project 11G-11 of Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, “Study on mechanism of landslide movement and deformation of landslide mass” (Principal Investigator:K. Araiba), pp.59-64, 2000.

Furuya, G., K. Sassa, H. Hiura, H. Fukuoka, and F.W. Wang:The Mechanism of Creep Movement Caused by Landslide Activity and Underground Erosion in Crystalline Schist:A Case Study at Zentoku Landslide, Shikoku Island, Report of the General Joint Research Project 11G-17 of Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, “Study on creeping mechanism of Tertiary landslides and crystalline-schist landslides” (Principal Investigator:H. Marui), pp.49-55, 2000.

古谷 元,佐々恭二,福岡 浩,汪 発武,日浦啓全:善徳地すべりZ6ブロックで発生した斜面崩壊の前兆変位,京都大学防災研究所,一般共同研究11G-17「三紀層地すべりと結晶片岩地すべりの移動機構の比較」報告書(研究代表者:丸井英明),pp.63-68,2000.

佐々恭二,末峰 章,福岡 浩,王 功輝,玉利 章,日浦啓全,向井道文:平成12年度善徳地すべり調査・観測業務委託報告書,国土交通省,四国地方整備局四国山地砂防工事事務所,2001.

Sassa, K.:Earthquake-Resisting Technologies for Geo-hazards - Landslide Hazards Assessment in Lishan, Xi’an, China, Proceedings of the Second Multi-lateral Workshop on Development of Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster Mitigation Technologies and their Integration for the Asia-Pacific Region. EDM Technical Report Series No. 4, Kobe, Japan, pp.67-72, 2000.

Lin, Z., Sassa, K., Zhang, Z., and Liu, Z.:Terrain Subsidence and Low Angles Slides Triggered by Seismic Slumping and “Liquefaction” of Loessial Soil Masses during Strong Earthquake. Proceedings of the Second Multi-lateral Workshop on Development of Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster Mitigation Technologies and their Integration for the Asia-Pacific Region. EDM Technical Report Series No. 4, Kobe, Japan, pp.93-98, 2000.

Sassa, K., Fukuoka, H., and Wang, F., Furuya, G., Nagumo, M., Igarashi, T., Chigira, M., Furuzawa, T., Shimada, M., Okunishi, K., Towhata, I., and Shuzui, H.:Earthquake-Resisting Technology for Landslides - Landslide Hazards Assessment in Lishan, Xi’an, China. Proceedings of the third Multi-lateral Workshop on Development of Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster Mitigation Technologies and their Integration for the Asia-Pacific Region. EDM Technical Report Series No. 4, Kobe, Japan, pp.105-111, 2001.

Lin, Z., Sassa, K., Bai, M., and Zhang, Z.:Undrained Loading and Soil Liquefaction in the Evolution of Low Angle Long Travel Distance Landslides in Regions of Loessial Terrain. Proceedings of the third Multi-lateral Workshop on Development of Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster Mitigation Technologies and their Integration for the Asia-Pacific Region. EDM Technical Report Series No. 4, Kobe, Japan, pp.113-118, 2001.

佐々恭二,末峰 章,福岡 浩,王 功輝,玉利 章,日浦啓全,向井道文:平成13年度善徳地すべり調査・観測業務委託報告書,国土交通省,四国地方整備局四国山地砂防工事事務所,2002.


奧西一夫:災害地形学の方法と防災への貢献,京都大学防災研究所年報,第45号A, pp.19-27,2002.

Kazuo Okunishi, Hiroshi Suwa, Takahisa Mizuyama, Takashi, Okimura and Shigekazu Mezaki:Recent Problems of Landslide and Other Environmental Hazards in the Natural and Cultural Heritages in Sichuan, China, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Landslide Mitigation and Protection of Cultural and Natural Heritage, Kyoto, 2002, pp.295-305, 2002.

釜井俊孝,加藤碵一,磯部一洋,田口雄作:中国雲南の巨大地すべり風景,地質ニュース 561,pp.115-124,2001.釜井俊孝:都市域の宅地盛土斜面における地震災害予測図の作成,平成11年度〜平成13年度科学研究費補助金(基盤C2)研究成果報告書,p.93,2001.

(E) 講義・講演会テキスト

井合 進,堤 達也,鈴木信久:(講座)液状化に伴う地盤の流動と構造物への影響「5.地盤の流動を考慮した構造物の設計(その1)」,土と基礎,Vol.48,No.1,pp.45-50,2002.

井合 進,堤 達也,鈴木信久:(講座)液状化に伴う地盤の流動と構造物への影響「5.地盤の流動を考慮した構造物の設計(その2)」,土と基礎,Vol.48,No.2,pp.41-46,2002.

諏訪 浩:土石流の実態・メカニズム・対策,土木技術情報セミナーテキスト,p.114,2000.

佐々恭二,汪 発武:土石流,地すべり防止技術研修テキスト,(社)地すべり対策技術協会,(財)全国建設研修センター出版,pp.1-50,2000.

福岡 浩:GPSによる地すべり移動観測.「地すべり防止工事士」登録更新特別講習会テキスト,(社)地すべり対策技術協会,pp.1-15,2000.

福岡 浩:第9回地すべり防止・斜面安定技術講習会テキスト,p.6,2001.

(G1) 講演会概要集

Kamon, M.:Ground improvement and their environmental impacts, Proc. the Seminar on Integrated Engineering, pp.87-94, 2000.

三村 衛,隅蔵雄一郎:大規模埋立によって発生する過剰間隙水圧の伝播機構と洪積粘土層の後続沈下に関する検討,平成12年度関西支部年次学術講演会講演概要,土木学会関西支部,III-56,2000.

嘉門雅史,勝見 武,遠藤和人,土居 亮:有害底泥処分地の移流拡散解析による環境インパクト評価,平成12年度関西支部年次学術講演会講演概要,土木学会関西支部,III-61,2000.

嘉門雅史,勝見 武,金山政民,森本哲夫:ベントナイトを混合した締固め粘土ライナーの含水比とせん断強さ,平成12年度関西支部年次学術講演会講演概要,土木学会関西支部,III-63,2000.

嘉門雅史,勝見 武,金山政民,森本哲夫:粘土ライナーのせん断強度と廃棄物処分場の構造安定性,第35回地盤工学研究発表会平成12年度発表講演集,pp.169-170,2000.

皆瀬 慎,近藤三二,嘉門雅史:ベントナイトマッドケーキの透水性の評価,第35回地盤工学研究発表会平成12年度発表講演集,pp.171-172,2000.

嘉門雅史,勝見 武,遠藤和人,土居 亮:有害物質を含有する底泥処分地の環境インパクト評価,第35回地盤工学研究発表会平成12年度発表講演集,pp.173-174,2000.

嘉門雅史,勝見 武,稲積真哉,G. Rajasekaran:廃棄物処分場カバーシステムへの汚泥の適用性,第35回地盤工学研究発表会平成12年度発表講演集,pp.177-178,2000.

金谷 守,規矩大義,國生剛治,石原研而,三村 衛,後藤洋三,森本 巌:1999年トルコ・コジャエリ地震でのギョルジュック水没地点の調査,第35回地盤工学研究発表会平成12年度発表講演集,pp.219-220,2000.

規矩大義,石原研而,國生剛治,金谷 守,三村 衛,森本 巌:トルコ・コジャエリ地震で生じたイズミット湾岸域の海底地盤の変状,第35回地盤工学研究発表会平成12年度発表講演集,pp.221-222,2000.

三村 衛,田中洋行,玉置 亨,坂本真也:淀川河川敷における多様なコーン貫入試験の適用事例,第35回地盤工学研究発表会平成12年度発表講演集,pp.465-466,2000.

三村 衛,須崎貴裕:不攪乱砂の力学特性と液状化抵抗に関する基礎的研究,第35回地盤工学研究発表会平成12年度発表講演集,pp.821-822,2000.

北 勝利,嘉門雅史,宮内宣宏,浅沼 勉,矢内正洋:遠心力を用いた粘性土の自重圧密の解釈,第35回地盤工学研究発表会平成12年度発表講演集,pp.681-682,2000.

嘉門雅史,陳 国華,諏訪靖二,福田光治:プラスチックボードドレーン通水量試験に必要な動水勾配の検討,第35回地盤工学研究発表会平成12年度発表講演集,pp.1295-1296,2000.

三村 衛,須崎貴裕:コーン貫入試験による砂質地盤の液状化抵抗評価手法について,第35回地盤工学研究発表会平成12年度発表講演集,pp.1651-1652,2000.

内山 伸,桂 豊,浅香美治,嘉門雅史:FEM解析による控え壁型地盤改良体の山留め変形抑制,第35回地盤工学研究発表会平成12年度発表講演集,pp.1999-2000,2000.

Kamon, M., Zhang, H. and Katsumi, T.:Mobility of zinc and iron in landfill sites under anaerobic conditions, Proceedings of the Second International Summer Symposium, JSCE, pp.237-240, 2000.

Rajasekaran, G., Inazumi, S., Katsumi, T. and Kamon, M.:Waste sludge landfill cover materials and water balance analysis, Proceedings of the Second International Summer Symposium, JSCE, pp.245-248, 2000.

Kamon, M., Katsumi, T., Kanayama, M., Jian, W. and Morimoto, T.:Stability of solid waste landfills along clay liners, Proceedings of the Second International Summer Symposium, JSCE, pp.249-252, 2000.

嘉門雅史,赤井智幸,松本 哲,諏訪靖二,福田光治,楠部義夫,岩田 潔:斜面変状対策における抑止工と抑制工の評価方法の検討,土木学会第55回年次学術講演会講演概要集,III-A198 on CD-ROM, 2000.

陳 国華,諏訪靖ニ,福田光治,嘉門雅史:プラスチックボードドレーンの透水性能とウェルレジスタンス,土木学会第55回年次学術講演会講演概要集,III-B195 on CD-ROM, 2000.

嘉門雅史,勝見 武,遠藤和人,土居 亮:フラックスを考慮した有害物質含有底泥処分地の環境インパクト評価,土木学会第55回年次学術講演会講演概要集,III-B361 on CD-ROM, 2000.

嘉門雅史,勝見 武,稲積真哉,G. Rajasekaran:廃棄物処分場におけるカバーシステムの降雨遮水効果,土木学会第55回年次学術講演会講演概要集,III-B366 on CD-ROM, 2000.

嘉門雅史,勝見 武,稲積真哉,G. Rajasekaran:廃棄物処分場カバーシステムによる降雨遮水効果・浸出水低減効果の予測,第11回廃棄物学会研究発表会講演論文集,pp.1172-1174,2000.

嘉門雅史,遠藤和人,勝見 武:DNAPLの地盤浸透パラメーター同定に関する実験的アプローチ,地下水・土壌汚染とその防止対策に関する研究集会第7回講演集,pp.9-12,2000.

沼田淳紀,野津 厚,井合 進,三輪 滋,池田隆明:スペクトル強度を用いたケーソン式岸壁の変形量の評価,レベル2地震に対する土構造物の耐震設計シンポジウムおよび講習会テキスト,地盤工学会,pp.333-340,2000.

井合 進:耐震性能を考慮した土構造物の設計に向けて,レベル2地震に対する土構造物の耐震設計シンポジウムおよび講習会テキスト,地盤工学会,pp.247-249,2000.

Kamon, M., Jian, W., Inui, T., Katsumi, T., Kanayama, M. and Morimoto, T.:Shear strength properties of two landfill clay liners, Proc. First Korea-Japan Joint Seminar on Geoenvironmental Engineering, pp.8-15, 2001.

Kamon, M., Inui, T. and Katsumi, T.:Experimental study on the environmental impact due to the wastes in geotechnical applications, Proc. First Korea-Japan Joint Seminar on Geoenvironmental Engineering, pp.24-30, 2001.

Kamon, M., Inazumi, S., Katsumi, T. and Inui, T.:Waste sludge applicability and water balance analysis of landfill cover system, Proc. First Korea-Japan Joint Seminar on Geoenvironmental Engineering, pp.31-38, 2001.

Kamon, M., Zhang, H., Katsumi, T. and Sawa, N.:Redox reactions in landfill site and their geotechnical significance, Proc. First Korea-Japan Joint Seminar on Geoenvironmental Engineering, pp.39-50, 2001.

Mimura, M. and Sumikura, Y.:Deformation analysis of Pleistocene clay deposits due to large-scale reclamation -Propagation of excess pore water pressure under various sets of seaside boundary-, Proc. First Korea-Japan Joint Seminar on Geoenvironmental Engineering, pp.51-57, 2001.

Kamon, M., Boutouil, M., Jeoung, J.-H. and Inui, T.:Experimental study on the stabilization of dredged sludge with low alkaline additives, Proc. First Korea-Japan Joint Seminar on Geoenvironmental Engineering, pp.78-83, 2001. Kamon, M., Endo, K. and Ka

tsumi, T.:Column model test and evaluation of permeability-saturation pressure relations for immiscible two-phase flow in sandy media, Proc. First Korea-Japan Joint Seminar on Geoenvironmental Engineering, pp.106-114, 2001.


嘉門雅史,乾 徹,佐々木和憲:海水環境下における重金属汚染土固化体からの溶出特性,平成13年度関西支部年次学術講演会講演概要,土木学会関西支部,III-69,2001.

三村 衛,延山政之,T.S. Tan, G.R. Dasari, M. Karthikeyan:浚渫粘土塊で造成されたシンガポール・埋立人工島基礎地盤のRIコーンによる特性評価,第36回地盤工学研究発表会平成13年度発表講演集,pp.133-134,2001.

三村 衛,隅蔵雄一郎:大水深埋立による更新世粘土層の変形解析−過剰間隙水圧の伝播範囲と境界排水条件に関する検討−,第36回地盤工学研究発表会平成13年度発表講演集,pp.951-952,2001.

三村 衛,大島昭彦,武田弘一,吉川正敏,諏訪靖二,山本浩司,長屋淳一:大阪湾埋立地における洪積層の沈下現象.,第36回地盤工学研究発表会平成13年度発表講演集,pp.1007-1008,2001.

三村 衛,小田和広,宮川 悟,中井 章,山本浩司,藤原照幸,金山政民:大阪湾洪積粘土の長期圧密特性,36回地盤工学研究発表会平成13年度発表講演集,pp.1009-1010,2001.


片野田栄一,伊藤 譲,嘉門雅史,野村忠明,伊豆田久雄:凍結融解による新圧密促進工法の土槽実験,第36回地盤工学研究発表会平成13年度発表講演集,pp.1065-1066,2001.

嘉門雅史,溝口孝芳,井 真宏:石灰系安定処理を用いた道路交通振動緩和特性,第36回地盤工学研究発表会平成13年度発表講演集,pp.1137-1138,2001.

三村 衛,嘉門雅史,西村正生,渦岡良介:重力式岸壁の地震時挙動に関する検討−遠心模型実験と数値解析−,第36回地盤工学研究発表会平成13年度発表講演集,pp.1359-1360,2001.

嘉門雅史,乾 徹,簡 文星,森本哲夫:廃棄物処分場ライナーの水分上昇特性と構造安定性への影響,第36回地盤工学研究発表会平成13年度発表講演集,pp.2523-2524,2001.

嘉門雅史,勝見 武,遠藤和人,伊藤圭二郎,土居 亮:海面処分場における矢板式遮水護岸の透水性評価,第36回地盤工学研究発表会平成13年度発表講演集,pp.2531-2532,2001.

嘉門雅史,乾 徹,遠藤和人,伊藤圭二郎,勝見 武:海面処分場におけるケーソン護岸の遮水性評価,第36回地盤工学研究発表会平成13年度発表講演集,pp.2533-2534,2001.

M. Kamon, M. Boutouil, J.-H. Jeoung, T. Inui:Treatment of dredged sludge using low alkalinity additives, 第36回地盤工学研究発表会平成13年度発表講演集,pp.2573-2574,2001.

勝見 武,長谷川真也,鬼形正伸,近藤三二,嘉門雅史:天然および耐化学性ベントナイトの遮水性能に及ぼす電解質溶液の影響,第36回地盤工学研究発表会平成13年度発表講演集,pp.2597-2598,2001.

嘉門雅史,乾 徹,M. Boutouil, 鄭 載衡,佐々木和憲:重金属汚染土のセメント封じ込め処理の長期安定性に関する基礎的評価,第36回地盤工学研究発表会平成13年度発表講演集,pp.2625-2626,2001.

嘉門雅史,遠藤和人,小林誠司,勝見 武:DNAPLに汚染された砂質地盤における水分保持曲線の評価,第36回地盤工学研究発表会平成13年度発表講演集,pp.2627-2628,2001.

嘉門雅史,稲積真哉,勝見 武,乾 徹:遠心模型実験による処分場バリアとしての汚泥の長期透水・圧縮特性,第36回地盤工学研究発表会平成13年度発表講演集,pp.2655-2666,2001.

Kamon, M., Jian, W., Inui, T. and Katsumi, T.:Strength behavior of two landfill clay liners, Proceedings of the Third International Summer Symposium, JSCE, pp.181-184, 2001.

Kamon, M., Boutouil, M., Jeoung, J.-H. and Inui, T.:Environmental behavior of sludge solidification/ stabilization by low alkalinity additives, Proceedings of the Third International Summer Symposium, JSCE, pp.241-244, 2001.

野津 厚,井合 進,Iwan, W.D.:震源近傍の地震動の方向性に関する研究とその応用,港研報告Vol.40,No.1,pp.107-167,2001.

井合 進,杉山 弥,小堤 治,竹島康人,沢田俊一:1993年北海道南西沖地震で被災した河川堤防の解析検証事例,第26回地震工学研究発表会講演論文集,土木学会地震工学委員会,pp.545-548,2001.

井合 進,竹島康人,沢田俊一,杉山 弥,小堤 治:1995年兵庫県南部地震で被災した河川堤防の解析検証事例,第26回地震工学研究発表会講演論文集,土木学会地震工学委員会,pp.549-552,2001.

井合 進,龍田昌毅,小堤 治,溜 幸生,山本 裕司:地盤の初期応力条件が矢板式岸壁の地震時挙動に与える影響の解析的検討,第26回地震工学研究発表会講演論文集,土木学会地震工学委員会,pp.809-812,2001.

中山裕章,酒井久和,金子浩士,足立雅樹,井合 進,森 浩章,龍田昌毅:FLIPによる矢板式岸壁の耐震性評価について,第26回地震工学研究発表会講演論文集,土木学会地震工学委員会,pp.817-820,2001.

佐藤 成,林 家祥,亀山和弘,佐藤靖彦,飯田典生,大塚夏彦,森 浩章,小堤 治,井合 進,安田 進:非排水有効応力地震応答解析における捨石材のモデル化に関する検討(その1),第26回地震工学研究発表会講演論文集,土木学会地震工学委員会,pp.677-680,2001.

井合 進:土木分野からのISOへの貢献―国際小委員会への活動,第26回地震工学研究発表会講演論文集,パネルディスカッション,土木学会地震工学委員会,pp.31-34,2001.

Iai, S. et al.:Seismic design guidelines for port structures, Report of Working Group 34 of the Maritime Navigation Commission, PIANC, pp.1-43, 2001.




千木良雅弘:流動性崩壊源頭部の風化特性-東北豪雨災害および広島災害,第39回日本地すべり学会研究発表会講演集,. pp.513-516,2000.

諏訪 浩:インダス川上流バルチスタン地方における斜面災害,平成13年度砂防学会研究発表会概要集,pp.78-79,2001.

諏訪 浩:晴天時にインダス川上流で繰り返す土石流,第20回日本自然災害学会講演会講演概要集,pp.119-120,2001.

諏訪 浩:インダス川上流バルチスタン地方で繰り返す土石流,地形,22(3),p.411,2001.

Suwa, H.:Repetition of debris-flow disaster on sunny days in North-East Pakistan, Transactions, Japanese Geomorphological Union, 22(4), C-231, 2001.

Suwa, H.:Comparison of several events of earthquake-induced landslide, Transactions, Japanese Geomorphological Union, 22(4), C-231, 2001.

諏訪 浩:地震による斜面崩壊事例の比較検討,平成12年度砂防学会研究発表会概要集,pp.12-13,2000.

諏訪 浩,遠藤京子:インダス川上流バルチスタン地方における斜面災害,第19回日本自然災害学会講演会講演概要集,pp.127-128,2000.


佐々恭二,福岡 浩,守随治雄:世界遺産インカのマュピチュ都市遺跡(ペルー国,クスコ州)の地すべり危険度調査,平成12年第39回日本地すべり学会研究発表会講演集,pp.51-52,2000.

Gonghui Wang & Kyoji Sassa.:Fluidization behavior of silty soils in ring shear tests, 平成12年第39回日本地すべり学会研究発表会講演集,pp.287-290,2000.

岡田康彦,佐々恭二,福岡 浩:非排水リングせん断試験による砂質土の過剰間隙水圧発生と有効垂直応力の低下,平成12年第39回日本地すべり学会研究発表会講演集,pp.291-292,2000.

今村幸史,佐々恭二,福岡 浩:リングせん断試験による結晶片岩土砂を用いたクリープ挙動の研究,平成12年第39回日本地すべり学会研究発表会講演集,pp.293-296,2000.

福岡 浩,佐々恭二,汪 発武:地震時の高速地すべり現象,平成12年第39回日本地すべり学会研究発表会講演集,pp.441-442,2000.


古谷 元,佐々恭二,日浦啓全:徳島県善徳地すべりで発生した小規模流動性崩壊の前兆現象,平成12年第39回日本地すべり学会研究発表会講演集,pp.529-532,2000.

Fawu Wang, 佐々恭二:Geotechnical Simulation on the Sumikawa Landslide-Debris Flow. 平成12年第39回日本地すべり学会研究発表会講演集,pp.533-536,2000.

汪 発武,佐々恭二:異なる誘因による破砕性長距離運動地すべりの共通機構,平成13年8月第40回日本地すべり学会研究発表会講演集,pp.121-124,2001.

Dmitri AVANKOV, 沖 昇覚,福岡 浩,佐々恭二:リングせん断試験による砂質土試料の非排水繰り返しせん断試験におけるせん断変位の振幅と過剰間隙水圧発生の関係,平成13年8月第40回日本地すべり学会研究発表会講演集,pp.161-164,2001.

Gonghui Wang, Kyoji Sassa, &. Hiroshi Fukuoka:Excess Pore Pressure Built-up within the Shear Zone of Silty Soils Based on Ring Shear Tests. 平成13年8月第40回日本地すべり学会研究発表会講演集,pp.167-170,2001.

今村幸史,佐々恭二,福岡 浩:リングせん断試験による結晶片岩土砂の通水クリープ試験における細粒土砂脱落の影響,平成13年8月第40回日本地すべり学会研究発表会講演集,pp.171-172,2001.

Greif, V., Sassa, K., and Fukuoka, H.:Failure Mechanism Analysis of the Bitchu-Matsuyama Castle Rock Using Distinct Element Method. Proceedings of the Conference of Japan Landslide Society, Maebashi, Japan, pp.231-234, 2001.

古谷 元,末峰 章,佐々恭二,福岡 浩,日浦啓全,小山内信智:結晶片岩地すべり地で発生した斜面崩壊と地下水脈の関係,平成13年8月第40回日本地すべり学会研究発表会講演集,pp.243-246,2001.

玉利吉章,福岡 浩,佐々恭二:三次元せん断変位計を用いた結晶片岩地すべりの移動特性,平成13年8月第40回日本地すべり学会研究発表会講演集,pp.251-254,2001.

岡田康彦,佐々恭二,福岡 浩:粒状体試料の自然排水条件下でのせん断ゾーンにおける粒子破砕と過剰間隙水圧の蓄積,平成13年8月第40回日本地すべり学会研究発表会講演集,pp.453-456,2001.

Greif, V., Sassa, K., and Fukuoka, H.:Monitoring of the Bitchu-Matsuyama castle rock. Proc. of the 40th Annual Conf. of Japan Landslide Society, Maebashi, Japan, pp.597-600, 2001.


Kazuo Okunishi:Japanese Approaches to Landslides - Sarukuyoji Landslide-:Transactions of Japanese Geomorphological Union, Vol. 22, No. 4, C-178, 2002.

Kazuo Okunishi:Environmental Impact of Dam Construction in Tectonically Active Areas, Transactions of Japanese Geomorphological Union, Vol. 22, No.4, C-178, 2002.

(G2) 学術誌

佐々恭二:Progress of IGCP-425 in 1999, Landslide News No.13, pp.37, 2000.

佐々恭二:1999年のIGCP-425(文化遺産と地すべり災害予測)の活動,国際地すべりニュースレター “Landslide News” No.13和訳版,pp.19-21,2000.

佐々恭二,福岡 浩,守随治雄:ペルー国・マチュピチュにおけるインカの世界遺産の不安定斜面調査,国際地すべりニュースレター “Landslide News”和訳版,No.13,pp.21-24,2000.

奧西一夫,諏訪 浩,斉藤隆志:文地形プロセスとしての山地からの物質生産月刊海洋,Vol. 32,No. 3,pp.138-144,2000.


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