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表5.5.3  海外の大学での学位論文審査担当一覧
教官名 大学名(国名) 研究科 年度 論文題目
入倉孝次郎 University of Joseph Fourier   (フランス)  Geophysics-Geochemistry-Geomechanics 13 Calcul du mouvement sismique assicie a un seisme de reference pour un site donne avec prise en compte de l'effet de site-Methode empirique lineaire et modelisation de l'effet de site non-lineaire-
佐藤忠信 ナンヤング大学(シンガポール) 工学研究科 14 Response of a Layered Randam Soil Site Subjected to Earthquake Exciation
澤田純男 Drexel University         (米国)   14 Analysis of phase characteristics of path effects on seismic ground motion based on ray theory
嘉門雅史 NTU            (シンガポール) 土木工学研究科 12 Behaviour of DCM columns under highway embankment at bridge approaches
Roy. C Sidle University of British Columbia (Canada) Faculty of Forestry 13 Dynamics of Sediment and Woody Debris in Headwater Streams, Southeast Alaska
Roy. C Sidle National University of Singapore  (Singapore) Department of Geography 14 Small-scale intraspecific morphological variation, symmetry and plasticity in scleractinian corals around Singapore
間瀬 肇 青島海洋大学  (中国) 工学研究科 14 The Studies on Health Monitoring and Damage Detection for Offshore Platforms
間瀬 肇 青島海洋大学  (中国) 工学研究科 14 Studies on Semi-Active Vibration Control of Offshore Platforms by MR Damper
飯尾能久 Witwatersrand大学(南アフリカ) 理学部 13 Simulation of ground motions of a large event using small events as empirical green's functions
飯尾能久 Witwatersrand大学(南アフリカ) 理学部 13 A relative moment tensor inversion technique applied toseismicity induced by mining
澁谷拓郎 オーストラリア国立大学 地球科学 13 Regional Surface Waveform Inversion for Australian Paths
小尻利治 シンガポール国立大学 土木工学科 12.  13 2件
田中哮義 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University(Hong Kong, China) Faculty of Construction and Land Use 12 Studies on Smoke Filling and Smoke Control in Atria
田中哮義 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University(Hong Kong, China) Faculty of Construction and Land Use 13 A Critical Study on the Fire Safety Provisions of Karaoke Establishment